K rend (help)

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smooth movez

New Member
Hi guys

I have a rendering job to do for a friend and he wants me to use k rend rather than sand and cement render
It's something I have never used and was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on using it. So here is a few questions which I'm unsure about and would greatly appreciate it if anyone coluld answer them?

1. Can k rend be applied on to ordinary sand and cement scratch coat or only k rend basecoat?

2. When applying the second coat does the scratch coat need to be wet down like s@c render

3. what is a rough price for k rend base coat and top coat (per bag)?

4. what's the best size scraper to get and where's the best place to buy one?

Cheers in advance
you can use it over sandcement, dont scratch between coats if youre using mono, between 6 and 10 quid a bag top coat 6 to 20 quid for base coat, just made all that up someone will be along soon who has a clue :)
I would use the k-rend for all of it 1 x 25 kg bag does 1m2 scraped back to 15mm
put your 15mm beads on I use gripfill of pink grip to stick them as much quicker than farting about nailing.
make your first pass with the k-rend at about 5-7mm then tighten it in with a spatular... this is important as your next coat goes over the top at 10 - 12mm flatten that with a spatular again leaving 2mm proud of your beads, then scratch back to the beads when firm enough. get all the tools you need from https://www.refina.co.uk or com mono is about £9 - £12.00 squid a bag depending on where you get it

hope this helps
Render Systems said:
I would use the k-rend for all of it 1 x 25 kg bag does 1m2 scraped back to 15mm
put your 15mm beads on I use gripfill of pink grip to stick them as much quicker than farting about nailing.
make your first pass with the k-rend at about 5-7mm then tighten it in with a spatular... this is important as your next coat goes over the top at 10 - 12mm flatten that with a spatular again leaving 2mm proud of your beads, then scratch back to the beads when firm enough. get all the tools you need from https://www.refina.co.uk or com mono is about £9 - £12.00 squid a bag depending on where you get it

hope this helps

Thanks for that pal

do I need to wet the scratch coat down before applying & should I wet the wall before applying the scratch coat bearing in mind it's on brickwork?
so I need to scratch base coat leave over night, then use the two coat pass method, or is the for one coat only?
Also you say to use a spatular for ruling off, what size should I use and where can I buy one? Could I not use a darby to rule off or is a spatular better?
Do you scratch first then fix the beads & do I use rendastop on the bottom as I have seen some jobs where it looks like a much thinner bead accross the bottom more like a plastastop?
Sorry for all the questions just want to make sure I get all the info I need before starting the job! :)
no need to wet the wall down if brickwork.
put beads on first
use drip bead around base 10cm up from ground level
some people leave the scratch overnight some dont i prefer to cover the same day
I prefer using a spatular so long as you get it flat... use what you have
get all your tools from here
Use a stop bead rather than a drip bead at the bottom other wise your pad will dig in at the bottom and will look s**t that's what I do anyway
pwi said:
Use a stop bead rather than a drip bead at the bottom other wise your pad will dig in at the bottom and will look (german word) that's what I do anyway

I agree mate use a stop... only use bellcast if site foreman insists...
Render Systems said:
no need to wet the wall down if brickwork.
put beads on first
use drip bead around base 10cm up from ground level
some people leave the scratch overnight some dont i prefer to cover the same day
I prefer using a spatular so long as you get it flat... use what you have
get all your tools from here

I never knew you could go over the scratch coat in the same day I assumed that it had to be left over night like s@c render.
This system is all new to me to be honest ???
So how long do you have to leave the scratch coat before applying the second coat? & Also you say fix the beads first
If I apply 10 mm base coat then 15 mm top ,can you get a 25mm stop bead?
Can one coat k rend only be applied to block work or can it be used on brickwork?

Thanks for all the help guys I'm getting there ;)
should use bell beads not stops, no need to rule first coat just second coat and then spat, if your gonna use s&c scratch coat make sure its cured properly else you will get cracking as it shrinks
dont know what mm they are but i was taught to use larger bells above windows and smaller on the dpc so the angles join nicely
merlin said:
should use bell beads not stops, no need to rule first coat just second coat and then spat, if your gonna use s&c scratch coat make sure its cured properly else you will get cracking as it shrinks
what size spat is best for this merlin
goody said:
use a drip bead at dpc level but use an i-section.... not a scratcher on the bottom 4-5" or so then use an 8" spatula at a right angle working upwards to left and right to finish instead of the nail pad digging in and looking (german word)

when you say use a spatula ,do you use the refina ones?
Do you tend to scrape back the next day or same? Cheers
goody said:
use any spatula as long as it's the right size for the job.... but yes the grey and black ones are good. hold the spat with two hands like when you eat a big sandwich(no seriously) but away from you as if you were offering the dog a big tasty bite down at waist level. the edge of the spat at a right angle to the wall opens up the texture nice without any digging in

Thanks for that!
When you rule off do I have to do anything after like s&c render, rub up with a float and then sponge?
Or is it simply put on, rule flat, leave until set then rub back ?
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