Just something I am working on

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Hello chaps,

I have been tinkering with this for a while today take a peak

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The way this works is that when you click on a product you get taken to ebay then when you purchase something I get a little commission for your troubles, so if any of you use ebay a lot can you use it via my link?


he he love it! Personal shopping!
so do you just submit the search string to ebay then??
think youd get better results submitting 'free s*x' ;)
nice idea though...you could have a 'pro' section dedicated to all things marshaltown/makita etc... i found a plasterers site the other day that had every possible incarnation of every type of trowel youve every seen or imagined...
seeing as youre in an enterprising mood....
any chance of inventing a pole trowel similar to those things they use for concrete? the one where you turn the pole and it twists the blade backwards/frwards etc??
could really do with an 18" version for latex floors, might evern be able to use it for flat trowelling on ceilings without the hop up??
bigsegs what was this site you speak of ? please give addy ;)
ps no offence danny boy great idea m8y ,very enterprising me likes
think this was the one...
nothing special, it just sort of jumped out as they had 77 different trowels on offer..
i mean SEVENTY SEVEN!!! r they takin the p?
You can have it banana shaped, magnesium bodied, gold plated, zircon encrusted, guaranteed till the big crunch, grilled, fried or soft boiled.
I think they even do a cordless 1 hour charge version that beeps to warn you if your arms getting tired and how many calories you spent tryin to flatten the bit you forgot about round the corner....
good idea danny, will use that if im after anything.
also if i see somthing thats not on there ill ask you to list it so you can get commision still.

Hello Tomcat,

I will get commission even if you by a car just as long as you got to ebay via one of the other products....lol


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