Just after some help really.

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New Member
Afternoon All,

Before i say anything ive been on here for all of about 2 hours & i can see some people dont really like people coming on after a course & acting like there one of the top cats! Well ive not even done a course so im dreading the banter on here...am i hell give it ago!

My brother in law has recently bought a house. (obviously with this country being run by complete muppets we are all trying to save abit of money here & there) So we've started on the bathroom & AFTER the bath, toilet, sink & tiles went in his decided he didnt like the artex ceiling...So he said about plastering it, This muppet agree'd to try it (they dont say young & dumb for no reason, im 22 & know everything remember)...Result... Honestly not perfect but i was quite shocked at my first ever go. But the main thing was i really enjoyed it, well now the bathrooms done he wants to do the hallway, not massive but not small & guess what...the ceiliing is furking artex & the walls have seen better days too. So im guessing by the fact his bought me a Ragni Plastering pack im doing it...(trying it).

Be honest shall i try it? :RpS_unsure: i guess if the shite hits the fan it can be reskimmed. I know theres guna be a few of you with the attitude of pay a professional! He did that with the tiling & we had to redo that! So unless you can recommend one in who you know who is red hot i think we can safely say there not all professions & GOOD :RpS_thumbsup:

Oh & ive been watching Tommys Trade Secrets on Youtube so i know what im talking about...like ****!

Have a good day boys & i look forward to your banter :RpS_biggrin:

Jaymo the NON profession DIYER!
welcome mate

just start with the smallest wall and give it ago, like you said if you f%ck it up just get someone in! (i take it you no about pva and what else you need)

where you from anyway?
Yeah im being honest im just following what ive heard on here & Youtube. Im from Kent unfortunatly lol
Have you had other plasterers give you price and to be honest put lineing paper on or buy a sander this may well be a bit to much for you. Good luck with it.
just make sure the walls free of paper, pva it and skim it ! i take it you already know how to mix it with you doing the ceiling, just dont F%ck about with it too much
where in kent its a big place :RpS_cool:

Good luck we all started somewhere.
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If yr near Medway dartford or thanet area I'm happy to come n give u some guidance, just cost ya a brew or two.
Im down in Ashford mate. Was going to look for an apprentiship but i doubt i will after ready some of the stuff on here. Should be a good laugh i will be honest i had as much plaster on me as the ceiling did last time. **** it u only live once aye :D
I can get to Ashford no bother if yr stuck. When u doin it? Mines a tea with one... As to getting it all over yrself just practice getting it off yr hawk over yr bucket or spot board. Takes a bit of practice but once you get it yr sorted.
Thanks very much Andy! Ill put a photo on when ive done it. (lights off & in the pitch black) will look pukka that way
No worries! We all start somewhere! Like I said jaymo if u get stuck. Inbox me. I'll help out with advice or whatever
Pmsl, no worries. But ffs make sure that artex is sound before u skim it. See the threads on here. Personally I'd use a bonding agent like WBA before skimming over it. Though I know a lot of lads here use pva. Just my personal choice.
Oh dont give me choice for god sakes lol! Where can i that from mate? Whats does it do aswel? I guess it sticks to the artex better, is pva not that great? If so ill put a hard hat beside the toilet haha
You can get wickes bonding agent from wickes lol, it's better on low suction backgrounds and contains a fine aggregate to provide a mechanical key for yr skim coat. Just a belt and braces. If you scrape back the artex to knock of the bumps n lumps on the wall be aware that the older stuff has White asbestos in it potentially. Hope that helps
oh yeah, completly off topic but advice if anyone is D.I.Y'in like us. MAKE SURE you use watered down paint on new plaster 60/40. It looks like i will be spending a few hours stripping the new plastered bathroom wall due to bubbling paint! BO LAX springs to mind :RpS_cursing:
have fun. defently use a bonding agent will give you some extra time. Remember to keep that trowel as close to wall as you can when your troweling off. and only use clean water to knock up your plaster with.

Had some fun at college watching a boy trying to knock up, He put to much plaster in, so thought he would add a bit off water out off his slops bucket. went off before he had finished mixing it.
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