Afternoon All,
Before i say anything ive been on here for all of about 2 hours & i can see some people dont really like people coming on after a course & acting like there one of the top cats! Well ive not even done a course so im dreading the banter on i hell give it ago!
My brother in law has recently bought a house. (obviously with this country being run by complete muppets we are all trying to save abit of money here & there) So we've started on the bathroom & AFTER the bath, toilet, sink & tiles went in his decided he didnt like the artex ceiling...So he said about plastering it, This muppet agree'd to try it (they dont say young & dumb for no reason, im 22 & know everything remember)...Result... Honestly not perfect but i was quite shocked at my first ever go. But the main thing was i really enjoyed it, well now the bathrooms done he wants to do the hallway, not massive but not small & guess what...the ceiliing is furking artex & the walls have seen better days too. So im guessing by the fact his bought me a Ragni Plastering pack im doing it...(trying it).
Be honest shall i try it? :RpS_unsure: i guess if the shite hits the fan it can be reskimmed. I know theres guna be a few of you with the attitude of pay a professional! He did that with the tiling & we had to redo that! So unless you can recommend one in who you know who is red hot i think we can safely say there not all professions & GOOD :RpS_thumbsup:
Oh & ive been watching Tommys Trade Secrets on Youtube so i know what im talking ****!
Have a good day boys & i look forward to your banter :RpS_biggrin:
Jaymo the NON profession DIYER!
Before i say anything ive been on here for all of about 2 hours & i can see some people dont really like people coming on after a course & acting like there one of the top cats! Well ive not even done a course so im dreading the banter on i hell give it ago!
My brother in law has recently bought a house. (obviously with this country being run by complete muppets we are all trying to save abit of money here & there) So we've started on the bathroom & AFTER the bath, toilet, sink & tiles went in his decided he didnt like the artex ceiling...So he said about plastering it, This muppet agree'd to try it (they dont say young & dumb for no reason, im 22 & know everything remember)...Result... Honestly not perfect but i was quite shocked at my first ever go. But the main thing was i really enjoyed it, well now the bathrooms done he wants to do the hallway, not massive but not small & guess what...the ceiliing is furking artex & the walls have seen better days too. So im guessing by the fact his bought me a Ragni Plastering pack im doing it...(trying it).
Be honest shall i try it? :RpS_unsure: i guess if the shite hits the fan it can be reskimmed. I know theres guna be a few of you with the attitude of pay a professional! He did that with the tiling & we had to redo that! So unless you can recommend one in who you know who is red hot i think we can safely say there not all professions & GOOD :RpS_thumbsup:
Oh & ive been watching Tommys Trade Secrets on Youtube so i know what im talking ****!
Have a good day boys & i look forward to your banter :RpS_biggrin:
Jaymo the NON profession DIYER!