job in jobcentre

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New Member
job advertised, plasterer, dryliner - 8 till 5 . mon to friday . £300 .
think people are taking us for granted now,
after tax , diesel ,insurance and running expenses , sandwiches for day, then my 4 cans of superstrength while i work , is it worth it.
im putting my prices up .......i get fooked off with being ripped of by everything...i spent nearly 50 quid today, ive took the little un ice skating and bought a few bits for breakfast, where did it go ??? ;D
spunkybum said:
im putting my prices up .......i get fooked off with being ripped of by everything...i spent nearly 50 quid today, ive took the little un ice skating and bought a few bits for breakfast, where did it go ??? ;D

on ice skating and breakfast perhaps? ;) :D
That is one of the main reasons i join these forums.
Our common goal is to earn a reasonable wage to enable us to enjoy a reasonable standard of living and for me an industry standard of £150 per day is i think an average reasonable wage and we should try to aim for this, (i know dry liners should only get half that ;D) you will always get Joe doley goin and doin his bit on the side and undercutting those that try to work within the system, but these should soon be stamped out if we all work together and remonstrate where ever possible ( IE forums) but in a perfect world eh , Just stick to your guns boys and aim for an industry standard, and trust me there are a quite a few of us that have been through these hard times before, but it will get better, could do a couple of pages on this subject but i think most of of you will get the gist :-\ that's my little rant over and no doubt there will be by a few cry's of take your head out your arse etc etc but hey bring it on ;D
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