job dilemma

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Recently won a refurb for a customer who i was recommended to for £4000 it is there own property i was told that i had the job and was to talk to the builder who i have never worked for , all seemed ok and i was given a start date of the middle of February, i received a phone last night from the customer saying the had a cheaper price of £2900 including the stairwell which was previously left untouched in the original quote , they have said to me that they are happy for me to do the job if i can lower the price to £3300. Im not happy about this and im not sure if i want to do this job anymore just wondered if any one else have had similar problems with jobs and i was told to supply "your keenest quote "originally ::).
tell them no mate. they obviously want you to do the work and if they do. then they have to pay the price you quoted. they know if you've been recommended then your good so if they want to risk it on somebody they don't know. more fool them. 4000 to 2900 is a big difference so if that was me. alarm bells would be ringing.
its not as if theyve under quoted by 50-100. thats neither here or there on 4grand. but 1100 quid?! they're gonna be cutting some big ass corners if you ask me. either get it in writing at that agreed price or stay away.
Ask them to see a written copy of the quote specifying all works and materials used...and how many coats etc. Tell them its not possible to do it at that price without cutting corners and using materials that won't last. They should then get the written it with yours and see what they have left out. In my experience its easy to pick out straight away what others won't be doing, inform the customer and keep the job. Got to point it out to them otherwise they will just go for the cheapest i'm afraid.
I priced a job just before Xmas, thermal plasterboard and skim a big hall. Put a price in of £3250 and it was about 8 days work. The other quote they had came in at about 10k and said they would have to shut the place for 4 months while the work was carried out. Anyway I got the nod to start the job in between Xmas and new year while the hall wouldn't ne in use only to get a call saying to leave it till after the new year. So a couple of days passed after new year so I called there to get a start date only find a gang of lads had started the job. What a stupid cow she was. I also know the painters who painted it and they said it's in a right mess. Ha ha should of gone for the cheaper option this time I think :D
I'd say no!

Say you could have dropped it a bit but adding the stairs now stops that happening.
the only asked him to drop 700 steve i would say whats happend there is the builder has own plaster and his trying to get him in there in which case u would be better off out of there he might make your life hell but if u really want the job i would say to them listen i have done my sums and the best i can do is 3500 sort of meet them half way if the really want u the will bite
no he reckons the other gang have quoted 2900. so want him to drop his price by £700. f**k em. let them pay 2900 and then pay church his money to put it right.
I was thinking maybe it is the builders spreads but on that price they are not going to be able to make him look good , i have to ring them in a hour , i think im going to let them get on with it . Its only priced for a descent day work and 20% on the materails anyway without the price drop .
This question comes up far too often these days - where do we draw the line? you should suggest that they will have to go with the cheaper, as you price only based on your quality and experience and thats a good price. they might feel more worried that the other guy is a cowboy and ask you to knock off maybe a hundered but you cant knock off 7ton from a four grand job.
It annoys me just how many people want skilled trade for nothin they prob wouldnt bat an eye if a plumber fleeced em but not plasterers oh no they are worthless!
steve cov said:
no he reckons the other gang have quoted 2900. so want him to drop his price by £700. (french word) em. let them pay 2900 and then pay church his money to put it right.

Plus the stairs, dont forget that.
exactly nelly. fukk um. tell them no, and then if they havent got another gang. they will feel a right prize prikk when they phone him back up and ask him to do it. and i'd put the price up then.
thing is you gotta value your own ability. I think plaistering is one of the harder trades, it is an art form in its own right. unfortunately there will always be someone desparate who undercuts to get work. the other quote will prob be genuine trust me. the guy near me advertises in the chippy, he does full room reskims at a 'Recession busting £75' as the ad says most lads i know charge around 200 for that so its no surprise. plastering prices vary vastly from one spread to another. Vastly is not even a big enough word to describe the difference
if you need the work church cut the material prof and go back in you will still make your day work that way. I never mark materials up anyhow
ive charged £300 for overskimming a good sized ceiling. drylining and skimming around a door where the fitters made a mess and including all mats. we'll piss it in a day. she was more than pleased cus i was recommended. and now she wants us to take down two chimney breasts. if youve been recommend and they still try to knock you down then they aint worth a w@nk.
They are trying it on if they had another quote they are happy with, why are they still wanting to pay you an extra £400? or does that include the landing? tell them thats your quote.
not really, materials come to nearly £100. need to buy rolls of that floor protector and all that s**t. she could have easily said no mate.
exactly. you cant go into tesco and say look. i know my shopping comes to £80 but asdas is £60. can we meet half way?
just made the call , and the phone went to answer phone ,left a message to get back to me , bolllox its my weekend now they can wait , just like to thank you all for your replies and i will let you know what happens .
quickly mate, if they dont accept can u give them my number, ill do it for 2800. ;D 1 coat, 1 trowel.
Church, if you would knock your price it makes you look like your robbin them mate, it'd be if you can lose £700 you must've over priced blah've been recommended, stick to your guns. It's not just £700, it's more like a grand with the stairwell!
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