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New Member
ive been advertising in the local paper but its pretty quiet at the moment was thinking of advertising on the net. has anyone done this? was it woth it?
I've got a website trouble is letting people know you've got one - I always ask customers where they heard of me from, and not one has ever said from your website

I guess there are local sites , for instance where you can advertise yourself but your up against every man and his dog

I try and grab any opportunity - Ask people at DIY stores pushing trolleys of multi if they've got a Spread lined up or leave flyers on all cars outside B&Q etc... - Ball aching work but you never know
Im on freeindex (slightly different business name) and the only calls i get off it are advertising companies saying 'we've got a deal etc' so i ask where they got the number and they come out with some shite like 'youve been selected'..
soon as they mention the business name ive clocked what theyre up to..
waste of time imo..
I get a lot of work off my website, but I have studied internet marketing for many years and have a lot of successful sites that rank very well in google and on msn. I know people who have spent £££'s on their website, looks great but not many people will ever see it.

Owning website just wont cut it on the net, you need to get people to it and that is the hard bit

would you believe it? just done a ceiling and half way through i get a call.. got the number of the internet..genuine job..
1st one ever..
im in top 20 in the uk for free indux im on google add words and eny think else they let me sign up 2..
type plasterer milton keynes into google i at number 1 (i dont need to pay for advertising)

type plastering milton keynes into gooogle I am number 3 but I am the first plastering company thats just 2 keywords.

My other sites, to name a few I have a lot of other sites in fact 45 domains.

All the best

still tryin to get my site ranked better..dont need it dow as i have adds every were in the town..
ive done a job this week and the fella asked me if i had a site, he said he s pretty genned up with computers and wotever. Anyway he said he could do me a website 4 around about £50 a year so im gonna get it sorted next week and just get the address written on the back ov me van.
£50 a year? is that including the designing of the site and hosting? I charge £250 for the first 2 years then £35 a year there after..... but you get my knowledge in search engine optimisation as well which is worth a lot.

to be fair out of all the plastering sites iv seen iv only found about 2-3 that have any real quality to them.. most are basic stuff
be careful when advertising on the net i did it with and lately i have been getting stupid phone calls sayin that i have agreed to advertise in a leaflet/booklet or town guide when i dont advertise anywhere.
i tell them no and they tell me i have agreed, when i ask where they got my number from they say a business contact but will not tell me who.
anyway they say they will invoice me the bill to which i say i will see u in court.
had about 4, think its a scam.
must be ppl praying on tradesmen who are desperate for work and agree to pay the fee thinking they are being advertised when in fact there not as there is no leaflet or booklet.
there is a recession on and ppl will do anything to make money, even con the likes of us.
i am pretty certain they got my number from as thats the only site i have ever put my details on.
not even used local rag as i find u get a lot of time wasters. ie "how much, my mate says he'll do it for £xxx " well fook of an use him then
Well To be honest I am not, I dont see the point in paying stupid money for something that is not worth it.

I make a good living online doing what I do, affiliate marketing product development and consulting. In fact currently I am considering hanging my toools up because my residual income is consistant and is not going to be far off what I can earn on the tools.

While I am away I am obviously going to have a lot of time to be working on new projects and ideas so I think when/if I come back I might not need to be on the tools.

Being a one trick pony is good if people want your trick but if not you are fooked.... receesion is time for people to change and afterwards we will all be better off.

As far as worrying about scams, if you dont sign up to it then you dont owe it. I have had a few I just tell them to f**k off or mention that this call is being recorded they normall change their tune.

Good luck guys

sorry bit off topic.
Getting excited???? oh boy I am like an 8 year old at xmas!!!

Working my nuts off to raise all the folding pictures I can

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