I need to replace a missing Mitre Rod or Joint Rule - - where can I get one?


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I need to replace a missing Mitre Rod or Joint Rule - - where can I get one?
I need to get a long-ish joint rule or mitre rod. I'm in the US. I have a short one around 6" and used to have a longer one and I lost it but I really need one for a job now. Where do you get them? Thanks!!
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I need to get a long-ish joint rule or mitre rod. I'm in the US. I have a short one around 6" and used to have a longer one and I lost it but I really need one for a job now. Where do you get them? Thanks!!
Any steel shop with a guillotine close to you should be able to make you one in 10 minutes them just use an oil or wet stone to get the business end of it where you want it.