high up on a stair well

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come on then, how does everyone get high up above the stairs to plaster the unreachable? stand on a midget ontop of half balanced milk crates 9 steps up the stairs. mulipurpose ladders in an L shape halfwya up and leading over to the landing, inhale lots of helium? ladder and plank ??? 7ft arms? ;)
hmm so forgive me if im wrong, that means leaning a ladder against the wall your wanting to skim... but smoothing it off straight away and covering up where your ladder would be leaning at the start of said wall.. :-\
if you can get some scaffolding and pre cut the pipes to the size the one i got is spot on as you have two up stands 1ft longer then the platform hight so you can adjust it and the bords are cut tooooo its sooooooooooooooooo simpale i got it on a job at the moooo it takes me 20mins to put it up bords and alll use it all the time mate never let me down yet and small to get about and you can add to it as i have keep it going mate and you will be fine
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :o :o :o :o :o 8) YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRR
ladder and plank- as you trowel up each time make sure your ladder lands on the same mark you will prob be moving it back and forth, at the death I always have my 'hop up' ready- fold one leg down and come flat of the best stair for you and have the other open leg at the lower level step, i can normally reach where the ladder was leaning this way. dont tell HSE. or buy a fancy platform specially made for the job- screw fix sell em.
i use ladder and plank to do the big drop wall only.The wall the ladder goes against i will usually just lean over of a hopup to do the top half and reach the bottom half from the staircase by reaching upwards.
If its a particulary tall wall i will screw a milk crate to the staircase to reach that couple of feet higher.
Its the skimmingof the ceiling that can be aquard at times over stairwells.
I use a youngman minimax tower. It's only about 700mm wide and if you juggle the bits around it'll fit most places.
hmm interesting... ive got my multipurpose ladders out and set them up in an L shape like so....

high up on a stair well

i can get right up there while standing comfortably and if i need the extra height, that beer crate will do the trick for most houses i reckon 8) tho i am tempted to get some 22mm ply and make a base to go over the top so i can put a hop up ontop...
Looks dodgy as fook.Short ladder on bulkhead wall and short plank on steps on top tread of stairs.works everytime for me.
yeah its one of them "multi purpose" ladders, cheaper on ebay than screwfix 8)
i wouldnt dream of using the beer crate unless it was strapped down with ratchet straps 8)
Yeh suppose you can but if you get the ladder low enough you can just reach of one of the treads to finish off the two holes what the ladders have made.Its just that open end looking down that makes it look unsafe to me.
spoon were did u get ur ladders cuz the ones im lookin at dont look like they have the hight i need
Probably just me but ifeel safer on ladders not steps that sit level on the ground as i had a pair which collapsed on me ten years ago and spent three months on the sick with a broken right elbow.Just what i needed first year of being self employed.
yeah they are the same height as mine oasis, 3 rungs each section, i have 2 sections going up vertically then 2 sections at a 90 degree angle to the top of the hall.

i got mine off ebay cheap, you can buy 4 rung versions also, not seen any on ebay for a while tho
ok ta..i here wot ur sayin HollyBank, but when i get a idea in my head there is no stopin me! lol nah iv been lookin at ladders for a while i dont own a pair..
SO what ladders do you guys think are the best for the job of satairs.
the first ones look like they fold up well and can go in the van ok, but the others will need to be sotred some were but will reach high up?
also spoon did you have the 3.7M Or the 4.7m?ta

high up on a stair well

high up on a stair well
I've had a set of these for a while now and hardly use them they can be a right pain in the arse put up especially in confined spaces also if the stair well isn't very wide then you can't get pasted them when set up sometimes ladders and planks are easy to set up and you can get past them on the stairs

They do come in useful for high ceilings and conservatory walls
mine were 3.7m, theres bound to be times where the ladder and plank method will be more suitable and times where a mini scaffold or multipurpose ladder will be more useful, have both i say 8) if you dont get on with one.. sell it on for a small loss
I've got a set of those ladders, they're £58 in wickes, made by youngmans good quality. Very useful due to multi postions.
Can we all chip in and but Oasis a new keyboard. His posts make me want to gouge my eyes out.
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