Hall stairs and landing...

  • Thread starter Thread starter bigsegs
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so...top half, including ceiling and bulkhead (the bit above the stairs you cant reach)..
not a lot of metreage BUT how to get it in one set and preferably including the big side wall that runs down the stairs...access a nightmare...specially awkward if theres a window at the top of the stairs...
one way i do em is lean the ladder up the bulkhead, sit the hop up on the the top landing/half landing and run a plank between the two...try and hit the ceiling/bulkhead/and at least 2 walls in one hit...only problem is the ladder leans against a wall im skimming (btw i do at least one adjacent depending on configuration) so i end up 'hopping' the ladder back and filling..last trowel drop the ladder 1 rung and trowel the bad spot where the ladder was like a mad git...somebody please tell me a better way, im currently chargin 400 quid and not gettin many of em...

this is assuming the 'bulkhead' is vertical, runs from end of stair cutout to ceiling...
btw hall refers to the downstairs bit...inc with the 400.. not a problem, its the upstairs that is...
hello mate i hate hall stairs and landings !!
anyway rant over ,i do the same skimming wise the only thing i can think of, is to do the bulkhead in two hits, when i've finished my two sets and theres a load of gear etc to put back in the van i'll mix a small bucket with a fair bit of dirty water quickly 1st and second coat and trowel it up while im packing up
Done one today! Put the bulk head on first with a few small walls, second gauge the big g**t of a wall put blank with a t piece on it against bulk head with bit of underlay on end of blank against the wall, run other blank to it, Great job finished the wall took plank away not a mark left on bulk head! :D
I do pretty much the same try and hit as much as you can with a ladder against the back wall and a plank onto the stairs, soon as that sets finished lay on the rest of the bulkhead if you catch it right after you dont really get a join. I do have an advantage as i work with another spread so when im doing the big staircase wall my mates doing the bottom half sooo much easier than trying to get up and down the stairs with a plank and ladder on it........so yes bigs there is a easier way, get another spread to work with you ;D
oooo the luxury!! :D
got a right one to do on this job (when i cant put it off any more)...reet old house, hacked off back to brick all downstairs and upstairs hallway..everything...gotta bleedin render the lot first...thinking of hiring a 900 tower and a 4m youngerman, just gotta check it'll fit between the balustrade and the wall...set the tower up on the p'ss...big house..
downstairs they've done this kitchen diner open plan double height wall thing with like a balcony type thing over looking with a spiral staircase, ceilings gotta be 4.5m...gotta be rendered first...not exactly lookin forward to that one either... :-/
o and another thing...upstairs theres this penny round arch in timber, no worries..downstairs its hacked off and they want the corners of the arch not at 90 but at 45 degrees so theres 3 surfaces to the reveal, the bricks are canted...not to sure whether to attempt to bead it or just freehand it..rendered first again...gotta be at least 1/2 a day just to bead it up...assuming i can get em bang on...btw i'd love to hardwall it but its been damped....like i said, reet old house...been no mention of lime though cos i reckon they wanna keep the cost down...
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