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Hey I'm a plasterer from the Sussex area with 12 yeara experience and the proud Owner of LR Plastering Solutions! love the thought of being able to share and gain advice with other plasterers! I am looking for more work but that's another thread!

So big question is.....plastic trowel or no plastic trowel?
Hey I'm a plasterer from the Sussex area with 12 yeara experience and the proud Owner of LR Plastering Solutions! love the thought of being able to share and gain advice with other plasterers! I am looking for more work but that's another thread!

So big question is.....plastic trowel or no plastic trowel?
Welcome but stick to old school methods if you can mate best of luck
PS any milf pics??
I flirt between plastic and carbon, never do massive gauges but definitely fine plastic trowel helps at times
Welcome! Not long bought nelamax, quite like it! Decided I don't like polishing with it though. Last flatten, no water, flat as :D