Hairline cracks!

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New Member
Did a reskim on a hall ceiling and walls about month ago for this woman,ther was one crack on ceiling so i covered it with skrim first then skimmed it.She phones me up today saying that there is a hairline crack appering in the same place and to see what i could do about it. >:(I of course told her that theres nothing more i could of done to stop this happening and if i did it again it prob come back again,then i told her to try some paint to cover them polycell or something.What else do you say ?
i would just tell her you took every precotion and that you didnt put the crack there,that usually puts them on the back foot
These situations happen alot if there are visible cracks i usually show the client and tell them that even with scrim tape the cracks sometimes can reappear so if they do crack they have been warned and i cant be held responsible. They usually happen in ceilings with the movement up above, saying that i was doing a ceiling in a house and they had 2 kids and they were dancing or jumping around up stairs above where i was working and the ceiling was cracking as i was troweling up, i showed the client as i didnt do the boarding and they were fine, in these situations theres not alot you can do, if all else Fails tell your client the earth is spinning at 900mph how do you expect nothing to crack its a bloody miracle it all stays in place ;D
when the cracks seem a lil bigger i sumtimes 2x the skrim or even 3x the scrim to make sure and sumtimes if a wall has loads of small lil cracks i add a lil bonding 2 the first coat of skim ;)
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