Gloss ceiling???

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New Member

Went to look at a job today, Over skim in a bedroom. The ceiling had been glossed over artex. In places it is peelling off (looks like just the paint coming off).

Can I PVA and Skim??

I think I would perfer to overboard to save any problems later.. I suggested overboarding to the customer but he doesnt want to pay out the extra money as its just a rental property!!

Does anyone have any ideas ???

If not I will tell him overboarding is the only option!!

I doubt it very much it'll be gloss on a ceiling, more than likely a silk paint. Scrape off high points and WBA or bond it the day before and skim as normal.
Dont skim on peeling paint, its just begging for trouble.

Tell them it needs boarding and if anyone says other wise they are full of shight.
What is the customer expecting to pay? its not extra money if you tell them it needs to be done and it is part of the job, the thing is it can go all wrong with an over skim, you can never tell wether the artex is adhered to the existing ceiling and it could all pull away.
scrape back high points seal the ceiling and skim. had problems before where skim started pealing off artex you can steam it off with a wall paper steamer
Thanks for the replies,

It definately Gloss paint. And the way its peeling off makes me think its not adhered to the paint underneath.

Never seen anyone you gloss on a ceiling before they must of been mad!!!

Overboard it has to be..
ask him if he wants the hassle of being sued when plaster starts falling on people while they are sleeping./
also scrape back use wba and away you go if it is too thick tight coat of bonding and two coats of tight skim if artex is sitting on distemper forget it over board or rip ceiling down and start again if he does not want to pay explain the problems and if you are going to over skim make sure you finish same day get paid and run tight french word these customers
Just skim straight onto it with one coat of board finish it'll be fine.
Give him what he wants & make him sign a disclaimer. ;)
Is the owner of the rental property Asian and looking for a 'SPECIAL PRICE FOR VALUE MY FRIEND' or does the customer want it done properly ?
i have a feeling this threads about to be moved to private members now!

irish_spread said:
Is the owner of the rental property Asian and looking for a 'SPECIAL PRICE FOR VALUE MY FRIEND' or does the customer want it done properly ?
artex is ok to skim over aslong as it is adhered to either plasterboard or a previously skimmed ceiling and has been painted . artex has got chalk in it so when unpainted will steam off easier than wall paper but when painted it will seal i have had the same problem but just remember to glue the arex not seal as the paint has already done this and make your first coat nice and stiff not too wet as the water just sits behind the plaster with no where to go only down i hope this helps
steve_cov_spread said:
ask him if he wants the hassle of being sued when plaster starts falling on people while they are sleeping./
Steve have you been a naughty lad your karmas on 6 and im on 4 whats going on?
R u sure its gloss? very unlikely...alot of rental properties are painted with oil based paints on the ceilings to over stains also easy to clean.

U could scrape and PVA or WBA only or overboard. If ceiling it good nick i'd WBA night before..if not overboard.
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