Found s*p*r*lex

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FOUND- an almost new s*p*r*lex, great condition apart from alittle plaster cacked in the handle, oh and a bit of a bent blade from falling from a van roof (possibly).
If anyone knows who might have lost/discarded this poor defenceless s*p*r*lex, please contact battersea trowel and hawk home. 22318008
FOUND- an almost new s*p*r*lex, great condition apart from alittle plaster cacked in the handle, oh and a bit of a bent blade from falling from a van roof (possibly).
If anyone knows who might have lost/discarded this poor defenceless s*p*r*lex, please contact battersea trowel and hawk home. 22318008
More commonly known as the battersea trowel and handboard home ;)
Think carjenk should be reported to trowel - line....for neglect tbh

or give trowels in need a call?

To much of this trowel abuse-neglect goes on,and never gets reported:RpS_mad:
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