Floating into existing plaster?

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Ive been asked to do a couple of jobs lately which involve floating into existing plaster - one is round a door frame and the other is round a velux - never done this before!

My main concern is the join between the old and new plaster and how the finished join will look - is it just a simple case of getting the plaster up and leveling off using the existing plaster or is there more to it?

And how much would you guys charge for this sort of job?

Any advice/tips greatly appreciated.

I refuse to do jobs where they ask just feather it in.... it looks crap and takes just as loong to feather it in as it does skimming.

I would float out what needs floating, rule off the existing unibond what is painted ect and skim the lot... then charge accordingly

So what does the join between old and new actually end up like Danny - is it rougher than badgers backside?

The chippie friend of mine that offered me the work said he'd seen other plasterers do it successfully. I want the experience, but like you Danny, am a little dubious about the eventual finish!

Think I might screw up a bit of board in my shed and go for a dummy run :-?
IMHO I would flaot out the area, rule off to the plaster line then it depends on the area. I, like Danny, prefer to skim the entire wall as I think it looks much better.
That said if it's a big wall a patch repair can work but it's fiddly which isn't stuff I like. PVA the existing plaster too round the edge cos it'll suck like a cheap w***e. Float and wait for the backing to go off a bit the using the coner of your trowel cut into it round the edge to create a recess to accept the skim. Skim the patch and as it pulls in trowel it. Round the edges keep your trwoel edge flat to the existing like a rule and trowel with the edge. keep checking its smooth and use water.
As I say not a job I like and in the right light you'll see the bulge.

try your board idea. Skim it, whack a hole in it. repair with eml and bonding then try and skim it. Thats what they did to us at college.

Tell us how you get on.
wat i would do here is float up level to the existing wall with bonding wait till it starts to go off then i would get my plastic float wet that up then where the new plaster meets the old just press down slightly and run the float over the whole new area workin away from the old existing plaster with just enough pressure to give you a recess for the skim.. hope you can grasp wat i mean there?. . like everyone else tho id prefer to float level with it and skim the lot much easier but it depends on how much existing wall there is there realy?? sometimes it is quicker to just float and skim up to it.. anyway hope that helps...
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