Fixing bad Sand & Cement


New Member
Hi all,

In need of some advice, we finished our double storey extension and refurb project end of last year and moved in December. The render, sand and cement, was done in November and is frankly shocking, 3/4 of it was done before the builder sacked off the plasterer and got someone decent to finish the rest, sadly the most notable bits are frankly awful, we had some k rend specialists come to quote and they said it was one of the worst jobs they had seen...... I'm far from an expert but I'm not happy. The builder is a friend and the house is amazing, it's awkward as i don't want to fall out with him so we have agreed between us to fix but there is still a cost implication and after such a big project money is very tight, so I need your advice on options.

The sand and cement was scratch coated then top coated but the finish is as above. Awful. I need a solution that will get it looking lovely and smooth and the best I can come up with is k rend over the top, ideally I don't want to paint it now hence k rendor mono etc seems sensible, however the guy I had round said they needed to still mesh and base coat then top coat and it would be six grand. So what are your opinions for how to resolve it? Is there a product that can one coat over the top. Any suggestions welcome as I'm desperate to get it sorted

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Photo attached only one I have. Will get more in daylight if needed. I paid 3750... not sure if that's good or not, included getting rid of old render aswell


  • Fixing bad Sand & Cement
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If the builder is a true friend he would sort out the poor workmanship that was carried out under his supervision.
Won't ever look good with that light shining up it.
It's a letterbox. That photo was in daylight and it's like that all over. I'm gong to sort it with builder but I want to gather some advice myself from people that know better :)

It's a three bed semi so I reckon a bit more than that.

How come the builder is a friend but he gets someone in who does 3/4 of the job that is crap ?

I don't get it
It's a letterbox. That photo was in daylight and it's like that all over. I'm gong to sort it with builder but I want to gather some advice myself from people that know better :)

It's a three bed semi so I reckon a bit more than that.

Nice :) doesn't look too great not sure if you could go over it with acrylic.
You would think after the first wall was complete then someone would have raised the subject then?
I know guys, I'm not happy about it, plasterer did inside great, started outside while my builder was on hols and so was I. We came back and, well, anyway, I just want my own advice on options
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I know guys, I'm not happy about it, plasterer did inside great, started outside while my builder was on hols and so was I. We came back and, well, anyway, He has agreed to fix it but I want my own advice on options

seems that maybe he was a good skimmer but out of his depth with render.... unfortunately a lot are like that these days... but thats partly down to renderers do rendering all year and so the skimmers do skimming all year...
seems that maybe he was a good skimmer but out of his depth with render.... unfortunately a lot are like that these days... but thats partly down to renderers do rendering all year and so the skimmers do skimming all year...
Yes exactly, very good inside it's lovely but outside was just no good, obviously very little experience, but he's gone now anyway and no longer working with my builder of course
seems that maybe he was a good skimmer but out of his depth with render.... unfortunately a lot are like that these days... but thats partly down to renderers do rendering all year and so the skimmers do skimming all year...
I like the variety, floating, skimming, scratching, dashing, rubbin up, etc. One of the best things about this game is that it isn't the same thing day in day out. That would drive me mad.
I know guys, I'm not happy about it, plasterer did inside great, started outside while my builder was on hols and so was I. We came back and, well, anyway, I just want my own advice on options
Nightmare, if your not happy you don't have to pay for it though. You need a good honest chat with your builder to move forward.