
Why did bg.stop making carlite finish. Any of you old codgers know.
I'd guess that it was stopped to streamline their range to make more money. I was surprised that they carried on making Board Finish seeing as Multifinish is supposedly suitable for plasterboard.
Carlite brings back nightmares, plunging like f*** to get the lumps out, after knocking up a million baths of Browning and then carrying it up to wherever the plasterers was working the c**ts would never let you you mix up inside, and what gets me we had electric drills why did it take so long for someone to invent a f****** whisk,
Carlite brings back nightmares, plunging like f*** to get the lumps out, after knocking up a million baths of Browning and then carrying it up to wherever the plasterers was working the c**ts would never let you you mix up inside, and what gets me we had electric drills why did it take so long for someone to invent a f****** whisk,
I bet Multi would be just as horrible to mix with a stick and plodger as Carlite was.
I bet Multi would be just as horrible to mix with a stick and plodger as Carlite was.

Comes up nice on floor

Why did bg.stop making carlite finish. Any of you old codgers know.
don't know why but it was about the same time multi came in they said u could skim browning and bonding with it peels like f**k/carlite was the best finish ever even on boards /I even ran a large cornice in a church with it 25 years ago its still there the proof
Carlite browning, Carlite high suction browning, Metal lathing and finish plasterers were replaced with Thistle Hardwall and Multi finish.
Carlite bonding was rebranded as Thistle bonding, Thistle bonding also replaced Carlite metal lathing.
Carlite finish is still used in Eire, but it is not the same plaster as used Britain.
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