Fibre Mesh

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This week i'm re rendering gable end of bungalow...its got several cracks in it, i was wondering whether putting fibre mesh on the scatch coat will strengthen the sand and cement render and prevent cracking?

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I believe they sometimes use fibre mesh for krend around weak points windows doors etc...not sure whether its this that prevents the cracking or the silicone in the krend or both.

should i bother using fibre mesh with sand and cement? any1 any experience? recommend supplier?

thanks Aaron.
Ive only used this in external insulation systems, bedded into HPX adhesive, there are stress patches that go round the corner of windows and doors like the shape of an arrow head, good stuff
they do add strength to the backing coat but if the renders unsound it either wants to come of or at the very least i'd use eml and mechanically fix it to the wall with a good radius around the crack
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