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Its only used with mortar mixes, prebagged only use clean water, Dont use fairy liquid because the plastisisers are designed to be used especially with mortar mixes. I have heard people say washing up liquid reduces the strength in mortar because it ariates it too much this one i cant say for sure never took the chance.
yeah i thought so, the only reason i asked was, when i went to b&q. to buy some 'feb' i found loads of differnet types of feb ;D

also what do retarder do
It re***ds the mix 'slows the setting time' so you can put more on
usually 3 in one `Waterproofer, retarder and plasticiser, Freeflo is good stuff
'retarder' makes you walk round in circles for hours picking your nose while you wait for it to go off so you can float it...
on a serious note... not sure but i think waterproofer has a retarding property in itself, cos i dont think ive seen a waterproofer that doesnt say 'retarder' on it... :-/
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