fastest way to?

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Skim a living room and lid if there are two of you? One man layin on and the other followin to flatten lid fisrt then walls or is it best to let one man to do lid while the other does the walls?
well you have to do the lid first mate and pick off your angles once the lid is all but gone then both of you work the walls in one shot.
Well thats I would do it, and you do not say how big the room is if it is only small room then it will be one hit wonder
cant see what difference it makes....
youre only gonna lay on what the two of you can handle between you for a set..
if your mates half as good as you, your looking at 1 1/2 times what you can bang on... if hes as good as you then twice as much etc etc...
wet corners all the way 2 up in one room... cant be f'ckin around...

if you got more than one room it makes sense for one of you to start bangin more on soon as youve maybe 1st trowelled the last lot and sort of roll everything along together, keep you both movin all the time... soon as one of you stops and scratches his arse your losing money on a metreage rate...
Depending how big room is?...Theres no pont both of you banging on the ceiling, if it was me i'd do the ceiling while my mate done 2 walls and returns....

I work with one of my mates on jobs now and then, and he is so slow it's painful...2 of us on a 12 meter ceiling decked out( i can't hack it twidling my thumbs)...And a set takes about 3 to 4 hours, tidy work but at that speed i'd expect to be perfect....When we do our own walls i'm always finished about an hour before him...Lol....
One man on stilts doing ceiling and top 2 ft of the walls then the other doing all of the walls. Done a lot of rooms in 1 go like this, can't go wrong unless you are one of those pussies who doesn't do wet angles
Happy to do the wet internals. I got one one of the plazzy internal twitchers from Carl so it will be the tools first outing!
let us know how you get on with that twitcher.... not gone for the trowel yet but could be tempted by the twitch... my corners are starting to look like me.... rough as f'ck.. :RpS_crying:
Yeah ive never got on with the marshalltown ones so its just taking up room in my bag only time it gets an airing is when its all going a bit way of the pear.
I live near the lad Carl in Liverpool who makes them and the trowels. Pm me if you want his number, not sure if he does postage tho?
Not really spunky, if they do bottoms first then just go round and cross trowel the joint after each trowel, gets rid of any possible humps or ridges
im the same as u mr G** ankle. either one on stilts that does lid and tops, or just cut the room in half, half the lid each and 2 walls each. this is a bit of a stupid topic
Anybody tackle a small room, lid & wall in a day themselves? I have one on tomorrow. I know its going to hurt....needs must though.
the thing with these twitchers or butterflies as i know them is you have to run the corners first not run a bead around your angles both sides then run them and they spley/blend into the substrate then skim accordingly.thats how i got shown in the states where they have always had them.we used to run the coerners first for the days skimming and work with them when theyd slightly or have picked up try it works a treet
im the same as u mr G** ankle. either one on stilts that does lid and tops, or just cut the room in half, half the lid each and 2 walls each. this is a bit of a stupid topic

Nick, does Steve actually have a bad ankle, or is just cos the fat gut is putting undue pressure on the joints.
Wankers, the lot of you lol. Nick I no longer have a bad ankle. As for the gut, its going...slowly...
Slowly, down towards your

Do`nt worry Steve, i used to kid myself mine was getting smaller.Its just cos your getting older and lazier.
Fastest way to do a room in a day:I would just sub the room out to d*m**o's gang of 2!!Soon get it done especially if his mate comes up from plimouth :RpS_wink:
Yeah I just checked his mates from portsmith not plimouth.And your right pettrel is foar times what it used to be when it was foar times cheaperer!!
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