I repaired a whole section of bathstone and carved it to shape and went over the top with stone dust only too a couple of hours saved me £500 quality stuff i did that in my old house 6 years ago and its still fine as i drive past the house all the time.
Its a special foam for fixing boards not the normal one so it dosent push them out,Sika do a foam with a special gun not that cheap about £30 in Spain but you get a solution to clean it out when finished so well worth it it lasts for ever.
Not sure about that Napper, ile look in the Screwfix book when i get a chance but the Sika system is their own system designed for fixing lightwheight roof tiles onto a steel sub roof with exp foam, quite new in Spain but realy good ,the gun can be used with any kind of Sika foam just clean it out with cleaning solution when finished and will last for ever.
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