everyone back to work tomorrow ??

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I've been back all weekend....f**k**g snow
Trying to get back into it after taking five weeks off taking my mum to radiotherapy every day.
Puts work into perspective.
One of my good friends like a second dad to been through all that proper killer seeing the change
Big job on tomorrow tbf told um I’ll have to start early


i usually leave my house 9.30...breakfast with my girls take em to school.. onsite about 10...2 big hits set up mix about 11 leave around 5.
other spreads think im abnormal.
Outside tap was frozen solid on Friday on job , I just filled the kettle right to the top and used that

Still had enough left for coffee tf
Could be worse you could live up north oh wait a minute lol

Up North.

See this?


Well, the Druids wanted this.


But they got Geordie contractors in.

And now look at the state of it. Didn't even last 5000 years.
We were out few days last week, but got a handy Monday, rubbing up reveals round a big house. Worse ways to start the week, although wuas bit mizzly and wet.
Render repairs ,hacked off .found timber under the reveals , got EML and rapid cement , needed to do some other work in the afternoon , need the dosh