dots and screed

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Private Member
when using the dots and screed method, does it matter if the dots or screeds have pick up while the area between the screeds are still wet..... is it gona make the screeds to hard to rub up. should i only work 2 wet screeds as a guide... tidy
depends on how quick you are really and how confident you are at rendering it doesn't matter to me but it might help some if the screeds have picked up at bit so you can rule off them easier .
so its not a problem if the screeds have pick up then..... just rub them up when ready. and then rub the rest up of the wall up... cheers
We talking about internal plastering? when i used to use that method I would lay 2 screeds on if small wall then screed top and bottom then fill in middle if large then start on right 2/3 vertical screeds at a time, by the time i'd laid them on and got them flat I could fill in and rule off....

to be honest now unless the wall has got to be flat within 3mm for tiling etc i won't bother with that method...I just whack it on ceiling to floor m2 all the way up rule it off then whack another m2 on top to bottom and rule off the last section floating as i a treat and a hell of alot quicker, if the walls all over the shot then dub out/scatch beforehand.
spunky said:
vertical screeds ;D

is there something i should know about vertical screeds?....should i apply the screeds horizontaly for a more plumb finish. ahhhhhhhhhhhh help
Use vertical screeds and when filling in don't drop down the wall to far at a time and you'll be fine.
the whole point of screeds are youre looking after youre angles........if you were on a flat wall put one down the right hand side and two off the top and bottom and rule of the top and bottom screeds if you do vertical screeds at 6 foot straight edge length you might aswell block rule it
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