Dot and dab tips

Tape for me. One of the first things I was told in the building industry was never move anything twice if you don't have to. Why lift a board up just to put back down to cut it?
When I was on site I used to do as flynnyman said but had a spare double box and single box off spark just drew round it once it was on marks and cut out

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If your cutting your reveals do them off one board just folding the board, mark the next with the knife fold them rasp. Do your biggest cuts from the bottom up and walk round the gaff measuring all the bits around doors and boxing ins and cut them from the top not having any waste or having to bend down cutting bits. Stand them where they go and use them when your in that room, also if you have to do thin strips at the end of boarding a ceiling leave them till your dabbing and take them off the board your cutting for the reveals wasting nothing. If your paying for the gear you will notice the difference and if your on site you will notice your loading less boards and throwing any bits which is another job on its own cleaning out. Rasp every cut and you don't f**k your fingers up if you use a tape and knife to cut and you always have a good edge. If your cutting half an inch off a full strip do the cut on both sides before you break it and it will come off in one, get used to using a pencil To mark your studs on the board it takes seconds to run the pencil at 600 or 400, I would say it's ten times longer to take a screw out than put one in in the wrong place and we all know what young lads are like for missing. If you have a light that falls in the middle of the board mark the light, cut the hole then cut a straight line down to it at the shortest point with a hand saw then cut the back of the board and fold it over, put a couple of screws in on an angle to hold it. Fix the board then take the screws out and fold it back into place ( bit OCD that one). Dab your heads first and the reveals will hold them up. If you have to dab above an opening with no windows or door fitted where you can't do the reveals cut an inch off both boards to the height of the opening then rest it on both sides. Never use a level, just your eyes and a tape measure if you can ;).
If your cutting your reveals do them off one board just folding the board, mark the next with the knife fold them rasp. Do your biggest cuts from the bottom up and walk round the gaff measuring all the bits around doors and boxing ins and cut them from the top not having any waste or having to bend down cutting bits. Stand them where they go and use them when your in that room, also if you have to do thin strips at the end of boarding a ceiling leave them till your dabbing and take them off the board your cutting for the reveals wasting nothing. If your paying for the gear you will notice the difference and if your on site you will notice your loading less boards and throwing any bits which is another job on its own cleaning out. Rasp every cut and you don't f**k your fingers up if you use a tape and knife to cut and you always have a good edge. If your cutting half an inch off a full strip do the cut on both sides before you break it and it will come off in one, get used to using a pencil To mark your studs on the board it takes seconds to run the pencil at 600 or 400, I would say it's ten times longer to take a screw out than put one in in the wrong place and we all know what young lads are like for missing. If you have a light that falls in the middle of the board mark the light, cut the hole then cut a straight line down to it at the shortest point with a hand saw then cut the back of the board and fold it over, put a couple of screws in on an angle to hold it. Fix the board then take the screws out and fold it back into place ( bit OCD that one). Dab your heads first and the reveals will hold them up. If you have to dab above an opening with no windows or door fitted where you can't do the reveals cut an inch off both boards to the height of the opening then rest it on both sides. Never use a level, just your eyes and a tape measure if you can ;).
f**k me flynny that's a coursers bible there..
If your cutting your reveals do them off one board just folding the board, mark the next with the knife fold them rasp. Do your biggest cuts from the bottom up and walk round the gaff measuring all the bits around doors and boxing ins and cut them from the top not having any waste or having to bend down cutting bits. Stand them where they go and use them when your in that room, also if you have to do thin strips at the end of boarding a ceiling leave them till your dabbing and take them off the board your cutting for the reveals wasting nothing. If your paying for the gear you will notice the difference and if your on site you will notice your loading less boards and throwing any bits which is another job on its own cleaning out. Rasp every cut and you don't f**k your fingers up if you use a tape and knife to cut and you always have a good edge. If your cutting half an inch off a full strip do the cut on both sides before you break it and it will come off in one, get used to using a pencil To mark your studs on the board it takes seconds to run the pencil at 600 or 400, I would say it's ten times longer to take a screw out than put one in in the wrong place and we all know what young lads are like for missing. If you have a light that falls in the middle of the board mark the light, cut the hole then cut a straight line down to it at the shortest point with a hand saw then cut the back of the board and fold it over, put a couple of screws in on an angle to hold it. Fix the board then take the screws out and fold it back into place ( bit OCD that one). Dab your heads first and the reveals will hold them up. If you have to dab above an opening with no windows or door fitted where you can't do the reveals cut an inch off both boards to the height of the opening then rest it on both sides. Never use a level, just your eyes and a tape measure if you can ;).

Did you learn these boarding skills while everyone else was in English class learning how to use paragraphs ? :)