Dirtiest Trowel Ever!

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He owns more than one ;D do you think it could be saved or would it be kinder just to shoot it
an i thought my trowel was bad! if its stainless tho leve it soking in a bucket of water for a week an it will come up spotless but if its that dirty he's prob used it for scraping up an the front rivet will be f**k*d
rich u got any idea on gypsum tolerance for float an set with hardwall cos any deviation over 2mm on a 7ft rule is gettin pulled on this job im on
napper83 said:
rich u got any idea on gypsum tolerance for float an set with hardwall cos any deviation over 2mm on a 7ft rule is gettin pulled on this job im on

Mate I havent got a clue,

2mm over 2.5 metres ish is a very good wall in my opinion.

Problem is these shirtlifters are now using every excuse in the book not to pay people the above being one of them, if you put a 7 foot rule over most timber stud wall's you'll have hollows and bends in it.

Have they been pulling your work napper ???

They pay crap rates and want a top job ....that doesnt add up to me

cheers grand, yeah rich virtually everywall on the job has been pulled at first the main contractor was pulling it if u could see light through the edge literally if it was 1mm out but its been 2mm they are going round with a 2mm window packer even ifthe skirts angles an ceiling lines are spot on but there is slight deviation in themiddlw the wall wont get passed just glad i got day work agreed rich even still like wont be on this job much longer its soul destroying my argument with them has been i can put the rule on the wall at 10 places and it be spot on and them could put it in a few different places and they will find a deviationand then it gets condemed an getta re skim/ pacth it
Who is the contractor ???? Name and shame. I want to send them one of my power letters telling them what a bunch of T***s they are.

they sound like a bunch of french people napper good luck.I went to look at a job this last week(and i am desperate for work) a new big build on a college 3/4 plastered already.foreman for the job told me the spreads were being prima donnas and not wanting to do as told, anyway what they had done was to a very decent standard and was on a very tough job ie all cut up high water a mile away sub floor in health and safety etc etc etc.All that was left was the poo but as im desperate i was interested.the interior contractors wants to have it done on price and i have to buy materials.problem with that is where are the other good team of spreads so i said no can do on price as its all the craap left and deffo not financing large contractors material bill will do for 150 a day labour only day rate and they thought i was taking the wee wee .point being as with napper it has become unbelievable seems like plasterers are scum nowadays and get treated like pooo in the 30 years at it this is making me want out big time no point anymore only prob is what else do ypou do
the plastering firm are fine well just the boss seems a little out of his depth wont stand up to the main contractors from what i can gather this his his first big solid plastering job i think most of his jobs are drylining the main contractors are KC construction a couple of the site agents are fine but the main fella is being a c**t on the tolerance side of things oh well i does me job i gets me money untill something better comes up
i dont understand the reason he is being a c unt.. why? obviously 2mm will never be seen by the naked eye and will look good when painted. but mainly wont it cost more unesserecary money to have it patched and re-skimmed??? so is he just on a power trip or does he have valid reasons????

fair play for putting up with him thow
easy answer to that one fruitcake..
he is not being a c''t.... he IS a c''t..

i once fitted windows to a block of flats...
13 floors, 5 flats to a floor, 6 windows per flat...
the 'clerk of works' didnt like the 'fischer caps' (the little shite things over the fixings)
he decided this when we'd finished the entire block..
made us change every cap in the entire block...
then decided he didnt like these new ones either.. too big he reckons..
so we had to change the entire block yet again...
THEN!! he decided that the tilt and turn windows slammed a bit hard when the door to the flat was open...
so we had to go through the entire block YET AGAIN fitting anti slam (little plastic hairgrip type things) to every SASH!! thats 2 per window..
when you bear in mind that getting access to every flat when people are at work is a nightmare...
this bloke should have got an award... my mate had already lobbed his little 'torpedo level' out the window when he sat it on a 6 foot window board..
I think the term is 'jobsworth'...
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