easy answer to that one fruitcake..
he is not being a c''t.... he IS a c''t..
i once fitted windows to a block of flats...
13 floors, 5 flats to a floor, 6 windows per flat...
the 'clerk of works' didnt like the 'fischer caps' (the little shite things over the fixings)
he decided this when we'd finished the entire block..
made us change every cap in the entire block...
then decided he didnt like these new ones either.. too big he reckons..
so we had to change the entire block yet again...
THEN!! he decided that the tilt and turn windows slammed a bit hard when the door to the flat was open...
so we had to go through the entire block YET AGAIN fitting anti slam (little plastic hairgrip type things) to every SASH!! thats 2 per window..
when you bear in mind that getting access to every flat when people are at work is a nightmare...
this bloke should have got an award... my mate had already lobbed his little 'torpedo level' out the window when he sat it on a 6 foot window board..
I think the term is 'jobsworth'...