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New Member
can anyone reccomened a good supplier of stone for dashing in nw preton area? propbably going to be canterbury spa but the client has not decided yet
craigpalmer18 said:
can anyone reccomened a good supplier of stone for dashing in nw preton area? propbably going to be canterbury spa but the client has not decided yet
Border aggregates in Carnforth do allsorts of flints for dashing, you tried Keyline on Watery lane?
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craigpalmer18 said:
can anyone reccomened a good supplier of stone for dashing in nw preton area? propbably going to be canterbury spa but the client has not decided yet

dont let them use canterbury spa mate, i hate the look of it and its everywhere! get them to go with something different mate ;)
its a bunaglow kirky and wants it to match the one next door which has just been re done, so dont think im going to get much of a chance to change the ladys mind. no not been to keyline yet cheers dfella.
craigpalmer18 said:
its a bunaglow kirky and wants it to match the one next door which has just been re done, so dont think im going to get much of a chance to change the ladys mind. no not been to keyline yet cheers dfella.

thats a bummer mate :-\
Most builder merchants will stock or get you in canterbury spar in 25 kg bags its fairly common , about £2.75 a bag which covers around 3sqm
I was quoted £8.25 a bag for canterbury just yesterday from my local merchant; west london.... ouch

church said:
make sure you get a price on the stone i might be a little out of date ;)
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