Dash of lime Sir ?

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Quick one - whats the difference between using hydrated lime in a render mix or a plasticiser ?

Do they both do the same thing or is it a case of either or ?? - cheers guys
Both do the job in different ways,both have advantages and disadvantages most spreads will use lime in top coat external render, but most will plasticiser for internal render mixes.
ive just done a render job for a builder on the cheap to give me some practice as ive not rendered in absoloutly ages and im no longer at college so i cant practice there anymore anyway...

but anyway, he got all the mats, i asked for additives and he said dont bother with waterproofer or plasticiser/lime its only the garden wall and the kids will ruind it when they kick they're football at it and will write theyre names in it as soon as ive gone home etc... but i didnt notice any difference in its workability ??? maybe cos its been a while since ive doe it i dont know but it seemed the same as when ive used lime, im sure there is benefits i jsut didnt notice them.
nothing wrong with a bit of mild green, most of the houses built around braintree and cressing area in the late 80s were floated with it.
Spot on Church, I did some work in the Proctor and Gamble factory (the makers of fairy) and they told us to use it. It's like any additive if you go mad with it then you may have problems otherwise OK.
THERE IS NOTHING OK WITH USING FAIRY Its a complete bodge, whats the point when Feb is cheaper, under a microscope the bubbles in Feb are all the same size making the morter stable Fairy on the other hand the bubbles are different sizes making it unstable there are thousands of houses built with it in the 70s and 80s and you can rub your finger through the joints and it will fall out like powder, Essex is full of them built by greedy and uneducated subbys from Braintree, Southend and Chelmsford.
lucius,absolutley right,must say find some stuff on here hilariouse.could appreciate if private forum only viewed by members.but on site viewed by general public and your possible customers.esp when some have the webb sites for all to see . turn up on site with tub of wash liquid or somebodys rendering job.may be looking for another line of work lol.
Personally I haven't used the green stuff for about fifteen years, but I come from a family of spreads all of whom had great reputations for the quality of their work, and all of them used fairy to plaster literally hundreds of houses many of theses houses are still lived in by the people they were built by and because they only used the fairy in sensible amounts they are still as good today as when built. If you use feb-mix at the recommended rate it is useless but like fairy if you overload the mix with to much feb it kills the cement. A lot of the time sand and cement mixes that go soft it is caused by over mixing(wanting a light fluffy mix more like hardwall).
There aint a clerk of the works, architec or for that matter NHBC who would pass a piece of work knowing that their was fairy in it.
And that's why I haven't used it in years, but I still know that if used sensibly theres no problem with it.
No problem mate, that's why I started to use this forum, to hear other peoples opinions on things, never expected for everyone to agree all the time.
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