Council scum!

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Went to board and Skim a 25m2 ceiling for a tennant! got there and the fat sow had not moved a feckin thing! Moved most of the tat and sheeted the sofas! worked like a dog to do the job and not offered one cup of tea cause lard arse was to busy watchin tv! tidied up and left the place spotless!

Get back to yard and boss calls me n me mate in! said pudding arse has been on the phone and said we left a mess and it took her ages to tidy up!!...that house was a shithole and stunk of cat piss! Cheeky lying bint!!!

Anyway, Boss said he believed us but still give the job shy tart a £60 B&Q voucher and an apology!!!
She probably does that every time she gets some work done in the house. She will probably sell the voucher and buy strong white cider with it
Start taking before and after pics on your phone. At least your boss believed you though...
they claim for out the tramps when i was on the windows and doors in one street we damaged the corner of the reveal when ripping out(it happens) and the tennent kicked right off and made the company buy her a tin of paint to paint an inch gap.We said keep it to yourself the next day the company got calls left right and center off people all in the same street trying to claim for scratches on laminate flooring,marks on carpets etc they will ******* try anything the scruff *****.they probably sell the vouchers for a bottle of cheap vodka......ahhhh rant over
LOL sounds EXACTLY like a job I had the other week same size board and skim. Fat gits didn't move anything out, so I told them then they moved the sofas there was food, toys all kinds of s**t under the cushions. She said don't worry about the curtains i'm getting new ones anyway (yeah heard that one before when you put a claim in) Then they f**k*d off out, still bits to move I went to put them in the kitchen I could hardly find any empty space there was that much s**t in there.

Watch out for the scruffs bad claimers! When they are getting brand new kitchens they all want shiny appliances to go with them, so they try their luck
"pudding arse" LMFAO Don't you just love to hate those workshy, fat, lazy, cnuts!!! I've done loads of them. I had a 3 seater leather recliner couch to fight with the other day and the pudding arse spent her day in the kitchen drinking tea and i got sweat F A tea!!!
They are scum bag lazy dirty compo seeking cnuts and they look for PERFECTION while we're paying for it.
I refuse to dirty my dust sheets on their flea infested carpets :mad:
Had the same thing on monday drove for two hours to get somewhere in wales,they refused to get out of the room and shift their s**t i was overboarding.So i just got back in the van phoned the main contractor to tell him what was going on,sat in the van half hour,then started the van and went bloody home.[fcuk em]
hmmm I did that council work for a while was a good way to get materials

I was on £18 an hour (yup was before the recession) I had 2 spreads running my other work, I would price they do the work and I would carry on working for the But the best thing was I was told that any left over materials was to be skipped... as long as it was accounted for.

So every job needed extra beads and extra PVA.... within a month or so I had a unit full of materials.... :-) Then they said that they could find spreads for £13 phr and I was like byeeeeeeee. I still get calls from them asking me to do work for them.

Man some of the houses and the people... man I nearly got the s**t kicked out of me by one guy beacause I would not strip his wall paper, I was like I am a plasterer not your servent.

I always accept a cup of tea if its offered but never drink it and I always had that anti bacterial hand wash in my van which the council paid for
its always nice when u work at a house and u look at the floor and think, i really dont wanna put my sheets on that. and then they stand there chatting to u with a cup of tea in their hand
LMAO Danny. Fancy a cup of Tea and a nice sarnie? lol hand wash! I got a cup of tea made for me the other day. I went to take slurp of it when i noticed all the grease lying on the top. It went straight into my water bucket!!
we worked for a G** couple a while back. we got given a cup of tea and as soon as they left the room the 2 guys i was working with both went **** that, i aint drinking any G** tea, and chucked it lol
trouble is they prob have cleaner

I jsut dont understand how some people live.... I have been in houses and they are absolutely stunning they know they are in a council house they know that it could be better but they make the best of it and look after it even pay to have work done off their own backs because they want it better.

I use to get loads of work privately off tennants... I use to be like teh council want this wall patched.... but it wuld better skimmed I can come back saturday and skim most wuld cough up and best of all you get 3 hours to sit in the van asleep :-)

we worked for a G** couple a while back. we got given a cup of tea and as soon as they left the room the 2 guys i was working with both went **** that, i aint drinking any G** tea, and chucked it lol

lmfao G** tea!

I really have heard it all now
:RpS_thumbsup:funny fkin thread! Just to say, it's not always the council scum. I worked for this fat tart, take out chimney breast, overboard, skim and cove 3 ceilings. B*tch didn't lift a finger. Made sure I left the place tidier than when I got there, everything sheeted etc etc. One day she moaned her tits off that there was a tiny bit of dust on her plasma tv. (that was the day I took the breast down). Got there another day and just said, 'y'alright.' Evidently, she weren't. She went 'OH IT WAS AWFUL, MY SON WAS ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES FOR AN HOUR LAST NIGHT TRYING TO FIX THE TELE YOU BROKE'. Turns out in moving the fat cnuts tele about, I'd accidently loosened a lead and she'd lost her portugese channels. Boo fookin hoo!!! Very selective over who I work for now. Never be afraid to say fcuk off!!!
thats the fekin problem you see with this country - lazy fat cnuts who do nothing and then get given a voucher for free stuff?????? were giving out the wrong fekin message to people there. those sh1tty arse council dwellers are the worst they always moan about you being messy if you disturb their dust. its their chance to actually get the house cleaned - by someone else.
you should go back and with a power washer and bleach the feckin b1tch and ask her is she happy now
Worst I ever seen was dog-s**t all over the house, even 3 lots in the kitchen. I looked on kitchen window sill and thought he had spilled some raisins. They were dead midges - F*****g hundreds of them:ohmy: Same bloke had railway sleepers in the bath.
I remember he asked us if we liked the new living room walls painted red. Turns out he had nicked the paint from the post office depot, the stuff they used for painting the pillar boxes - imagine that!...... the whole F*****g room painted gloss red, awesome!
thats the fekin problem you see with this country - lazy fat cnuts who do nothing and then get given a voucher for free stuff?????? were giving out the wrong fekin message to people there. those sh1tty arse council dwellers are the worst they always moan about you being messy if you disturb their dust. its their chance to actually get the house cleaned - by someone else.
you should go back and with a power washer and bleach the feckin b1tch and ask her is she happy now

For some reason people have developed a false sense of entitlement.

People with shitty lives tend to spout off the loudest, because it gives them a weird sense of self respect.

When they get to complain and get a result it makes them feel better when its simply selfish and narcissistic.
I always accept a cup of tea if its offered but never drink it and I always had that anti bacterial hand wash in my van which the council paid for

we still get given the antibacterial hand wash. I was at a house a few months ago and i set up my dust sheets and the tennants dog curled one off on it!! Pure class these people!
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