Went to board and Skim a 25m2 ceiling for a tennant! got there and the fat sow had not moved a feckin thing! Moved most of the tat and sheeted the sofas! worked like a dog to do the job and not offered one cup of tea cause lard arse was to busy watchin tv! tidied up and left the place spotless!
Get back to yard and boss calls me n me mate in! said pudding arse has been on the phone and said we left a mess and it took her ages to tidy up!!...that house was a shithole and stunk of cat piss! Cheeky lying bint!!!
Anyway, Boss said he believed us but still give the job shy tart a £60 B&Q voucher and an apology!!!
Get back to yard and boss calls me n me mate in! said pudding arse has been on the phone and said we left a mess and it took her ages to tidy up!!...that house was a shithole and stunk of cat piss! Cheeky lying bint!!!
Anyway, Boss said he believed us but still give the job shy tart a £60 B&Q voucher and an apology!!!