concrete panels

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New Member
been asked to price up this bungulow inside and out complety hack off and re-do, thing is its built out of those prefab concrete panels and the outside has completey blown and so has the inside. ive never gone over these panels b4 so was wondering if any of u guys have coz im not sure wether i can just spray render the outside as normal.
the inside they dont want batton and plasterboard they want either mp75 or hardwall and set but i aint sure if i can coz its only one skin panels
Aren't they upgading those type of buildings with Insulated systems? could kill 2 with one stone.
eml the whole outside of the building first, explain about insulation on the inside not a good idea to just plaster on one single slab. if they want it solid then the only way is to build walls inside to create a cavity, if you do just plaster over the inside without insulation boards or a cavity because they want it solid then you will have to eml the inside too ;)
you could install the insulation outside on a rail system thus creating a cavity then inside betonkontac and mp or hardwall
they will design system for you and none of that approved applicator b*ll***s one of our jobs is on there deals gateway
not done much of that stuff, did sumin sort of like it in berlin. i guess its all much the same
there basecoat sm700 or lustro which is lightweight is about the best on the market wear a mask knocking it up cause its brutal
rub it up with a plastic trowel and keep taking the fat off that right? what we did in germany
the property would be mortgageable as well as cosmetically upgraded then too if they sold in the future
well its my mother-in-law thats buying it, and shes buying it out right and hoping to rent it coz no one can mortgage it so if thats true that would be good
naz have you seen the putzmeister strobot videos on youtube? they spray adhesive with an insulation system on there
yeah you can but only put one bag in hopper at a time cause it compacts quickly star wheel cant handle it and use a d4-3 r+s
yeah i think i dont it in germany but ive never been asked to do it b4 and prob never will again but its for the mother-in-law so gotta f**king do it
can someone explain how the rail system still insulates when theres a vented 15mm gap to the outside?
same way cavity wall construction dose goody the vents are for moisture which then comes out the starter track read the pdf on the site
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