Come on guys be nice

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Hello everybody,

I have been away from my laptop for one weekend and all hell breaks loose... We all give a bit of banter and we all have opinions on such topics please if you think they might offend someone dont post them. The amount of complaints I had was untrue.

I am trying to run a forum the best I can and there is a lot more that goes on behind the scense than most realise. You guys make this forum what it is. I dont want slagging matches or tit for tat.

I dont know exactly what went on but please can you guys just think next time. I am liabe for a lot on this forum and I have been threatened with legal action before, I cannot afford for it to happen again.

I am going to be appointing a few more moderators to help DP and Segs (where has he gone??) I have added a few spam filters and language sensors so this should help.

If anybody has any problems then pm me.

This forum is great place and I am determined to keep it that way at whatever cost.

All the best

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