Ceiling Problem

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Hi all, I plastered my girlfriends nans ceiling last sunday, it was quite heavy artex! :( so i bonded it first and then skimmed it when firmed up, got a phone call friday saying some of it has fallen down :S i have done many ceiling the same way and not had a problem so was wondering if anyone knew as to why this has happened? cheers all
always a problem when skimming over artex, always push for the over board if possible. explain the risks if they don't want it boarded
beddys right. artex loosens up with water. think i heard someone on here on about steaming it off. anyhow water livens it back up. its a gamble. one i have taken got away with many a time. only gone tits up once (couple of patches) got it sorted with another mix. but hevily painted seals it. so maybe holly has a point. not sure if vinyl is porous. hate painting.
Always have my doubts going over artex,especially over vinyl silk its like asking it to stick to glass,its always in the back of your mind if its still stuck on!!!
not had many probs my self, we scrape them back pretty far and rarely do we have to bond them first..... but WBA is a god send on artex ceilings

Has the plaster come of the Artex, or the artex of the ceiling.I have done hundreds of these reskims and had a peeler twice.On bothe occasions its the Artex that has peeled and this has happened while trowelling out the 2nd coat, never a week later.
As the guys have mentioned above, also the extra weight of the bonding would not have helped.
When i have 1 thats heavy artex i give a light coat of pva before i scrape it, softens the artex a litle, helps yopu scrape it flatter.
Totally agree with the guy who said use WBA, I like betakontakt but same stuff really. That'll stop the plaster coming off the ceiling but how on earth do you stop the paint or artex coming away? Other than over boarding I would love a solution to this, also done one recently that was just a flat ceiling reskim and it happened, it pulled the paint off a really thick coat or a combination of coats over the years, about 1mm thick? If someone knows anything to help I'd be grateful
Should scrape down artex as best as possible PVA or WBA flat thin coat of bonding plaster rub up with float then skim with (i find multie finsh better then board finish), or as above push for the overboard and skim ploy..
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Then overboard if you think there might be problems.Putting finish plaster on thicker then 3 to 5 mill in one go is not recomended by BG
fraid to say it but experiance will tell you when and what to do to differant backgrounds, this is something you will only learn doing the job it cannot be taught in a classroom ,differant textured coatings require differant prep ,youve got coatings made by decratex.....polytex......wondertex......artex hot,cold mix then all the own brands like wickes crown etc and they all react differantly to reskiming ,
some ov the lads are wright it comes down to experience ive done loads ov artex ceilings always scrape down first pva & skim or tight bonding & skim but just off late going to start to use betakontakte on artex & high suction backgrounds same stuff as wba but in 25kg tubs & works out alot cheaper only tend to reboard on heavyly artex ceilings only ever had 1 artex ceiling come down touch wood :RpS_laugh: you takes ur chances :RpS_thumbup:
I would not worry about this job to much if I were you as if the ceiling has fell off you ain't gonna get any future work off them even once corrected you might as well tell them to go **** themselves when they rang you with the issue
Just use smooth it:RpS_laugh:

ha ha but this it what bg recomend we use over textured finish .....draw backs you have to be good at getting agood finish [ie be a plasterer ]its 3 times the price,it will take twice as long ,and over walls which are subject to more knocks and scrapes it will damage easier than a gypsum based finish ,oyeah then when dry you are to apply stabilizer before decoration .......that room reskim will now become £1900.00
I would not worry about this job to much if I were you as if the ceiling has fell off you ain't gonna get any future work off them even once corrected you might as well tell them to go **** themselves when they rang you with the issue

lol... yeah but as its for his girlfriends nan... maybe telling them both to go **** themselves might not be the best idea eh!
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hahahha i had one completly peel off on me while i was waiting to final trowel it... i was sick as a chip... anyway the whole bloody lot came of in one big lump... i ended up scraping the edges back and the ceiling underneath was perfect... explained to the customer and she still paid me... thats geordies for you... mind you i would always overboard now.... (Learn from your mistakes)
we did a ceiling for a bloke once who had done half the ceiling in smooth it, reckoned a plasterer had done it then walked off the job, think he was too embarrased to admit it
we did a ceiling for a bloke once who had done half the ceiling in smooth it, reckoned a plasterer had done it then walked off the job, think he was too embarrased to admit it

proberbly / ive had to go & get some betokontakte 2 seal it all 2 be on the safe side
Yeah I've put quite a few smooth it botch jobs right aswell ££££:RpS_biggrin:

Once artex has been scraped flattish always brush all the dust off the ceiling/walls with a soft sweeping brush before you apply a weak pva. Not everyone does this, tut tut.
Use a nice thin milky mix because if you use a thicker pva onto a dusty ceiling it'lll just peel off once skimmed especially if using bonding aswell, all that weight is just asking for trouble!

Remember the 4 S's
Scrape, sweep, seal, skim.:RpS_biggrin:

Unless your using a bonding agent of course :RpS_wink:
Are you talking about thistle bonding plaster or wicks bond it ?. When artex first came out it was the answer to old cracked ceiling before artex we use to stick poly tiles on ceilings or wallpaper. But when artex came along every fecker went and bought a bag and away you go the swirl pattern was easy to do. When you see some ceilings and you think who the feck do that well they used sponge tea towel any thing to make a pattern and stand back and say that looks loads better. Dont forget were talking early seventies onwards no reskimming in them days , wallpaper was king. Only the pros would use a sealer before artexing the guy next door would just slap it on swirl slap swirl until done and some how it stuck it was a bit like s**t to a blanket. So getting back to why yours shelled off it can only suction from old artex loosing it key from the ceiling. Also when I ve reskimmed modern homes with artex this brings it's own problems I think they use that cold water artex erm wondertex easy to scrape but can peel when skimming moisture me thinks . Why you put artex into a modern house is beyond me. Nearly forgot nicotine can cause problems .
That's true that about the nicotine problems. I've had loads of artex ceilings and after I have put them on I have gone outside and had two ciggys and when I have come back the ceilings gone off. Damn you nicotine!
These squeezable sponge mop thingys are good & quick for getting really bad nicotine shite off ceilings.
Dip it in a bucket of red hot water & washing up liquid gets it off after a couple of cleans.

Ceiling Problem

I used the mrs one out the cupboard that she uses on our kitchen floor.:RpS_biggrin:
I put it back a bit yellow & smelly she wasn't impressed:rolleyes)
Nisus so if you found asbestos in a ceiling how do you go on. I have been told it's not cheap to have removed.
Nisus so if you found asbestos in a ceiling how do you go on. I have been told it's not cheap to have removed.

If the test comes back positive then i won't touch it.
It's up to the customer to pay for it to be removed, then I'll go back once it's removed.
The last one that came back positive was a 16m2 textured ceiling
& the asbestos removal company wanted just under a grand to remove it:-0
As far as i know it's still up there:RpS_biggrin:
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