Cavity wall insulation

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What is the consensus on it now?

I personally don't like the idea.... if you had a property with it in would you get it removed?
the wool i dont agree with.

the beads yes if its installed properly.

trouble is the greendeal allowed amatuers to install without clearing any obstruction and partially filled the walls
Got it in mine was done before we bought it, can honestly say it is warmest house we have ever had. It is also the youngest house we have had, built in 1951.
It is foam though not that fibre sheite.
See more and more of it getting removed now because of damp problems it's caused...
Dont think it's good idea in the wetter parts of the country.
Had my house done 10 years ago and it’s fine built 1950s plasterboarding on some parts is insulated board but just recently I was thinking is the house getting colder , sounds weird but am after a thermal imaging camera for Christmas,out of pure interest I want to see how the building looks
Think there is 50mm in mine but tbh I’d have to check can’t remember, beads
We had ours filled with blown fibre about 5 years... it great

Live in a 70’s house which had a cavity but no insulation at all....?

No problems with damp now, did have some in the bathroom before we had it insulated....
I spent over twenty years working on houses with the blown fibres in the cavity and I've heard of any of them suffering from damp issues.
Don't get me wrong there was loads of the cavity with nothing in there but that's another story.