Carbon and bi carb

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I knew someone who left a carbon steel trowel in brick acid over the weekend and the blade fell off, mind you brick acid was pretty strong back then
Thought it was the bi carb that cleaned the plaster ..if you put a old coin in bi carb it cleans it up
I know about the coin but the water cleans our setting bucket and the cleaning bucket if you leave them in a water butt over the weekend they come out like new with a quick wipe around with a brush or if you fill them up over night and brush them around it cleans them up no bicarb neede for that
Always put both my Carbons in bi carb then a quick coke and vinegar soak and a squirt of oil when dry :nocausagracia:

If you use a measuring jug and piss in it up to the 500mm mark then add this to a ten litre bucket then top the bucket up to the 8 litres of soft warm water!This must be a precise measurement!
Then carefully add all trowel and hammer's, Stanley knife ect! The more of your tools you fit in the better but watch out for pissy hands remember that!
Anyway leave this overnight to soak in the pissy water then empty trying not to get any on you the customer or labourer!
Then bobs ya uncle you got some lovely piss stained tools that you will probably never use again!
Thanks for reading
f**k cleaning tools that's why we let women into building trade, everyone should have 1 ;);)