1 school of thought says just use your own name, instills customer confidence etc, easy to remember....
another one says whatever you do DONT use your own name cos if you end up going pop for whatever reason its your name that gets dragged through the mud..
microsoft aint called 'gates software'....virgin aint 'the richard branson group'...
my advert starts with the word 'Plastering'...thats it...
my business cards have my name on em though cos its hard to give people a card without tellin em my name...
good advice might be stick the letters 'Ltd' on the end of it....specially in the current economic climate...

nothing to stop you addin other stuff to your advert/cards/van lettering though....there can be a lot of 'associated' work involved with a plastering job like second fix joinery, tiling, plumbing, bathrooms, kitchens even fixing the cause of many a dropped ceiling - a leaky roof Â

i also think the word 'specialist(s)' carries a hell of a lot of weight in a customers thought process...