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New Member
After boarding out my walls, some of the boards needed bonding because I stupidly pushed the board to far into the adhesive. As well as bonding some boards, I had to bond 2 walls to straighten as well. With the heating on the bonding has dried out and I want to know, will soaking it with water be enough or will it need some pva or can i skim straight onto it.
if in doubt get the pva out

I agree! Bonding will pull the love juice out of your skim and leave it like a whores c**t, dry as a bone! I find that if you leave bonding more than a few days, your mad if you think you can throw skim onto it. Pva it to fcuk and trust me, you won't have no problems. If you throw water on it, you could still have problems if you don't put enough on. Others might disagree though
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He will explain in a few words:D it might get you the heat of HellsKitchy, but is priceless
U wont see another ranting thread from me courser I've said my piece this last week has taken abit of fun out of the forum from the stupid posts earlier on In week just guna pop on from time to time and c wats going on as I won't be able to help to have a quick look..ya know wat I mean courser in a cockney accent
U wont see another ranting thread from me courser I've said my piece this last week has taken abit of fun out of the forum from the stupid posts earlier on In week just guna pop on from time to time and c wats going on as I won't be able to help to have a quick look..ya know wat I mean courser in a cockney accent
Oh cmon , don't be childish big balls! I will feel alone :aburrido:
Its billy big balls..answear question anyhow u a ex courser by any chance?
Man , I give it to you , you are persistent ! I guess you are like all the kids- they want some toy very badly and once they got it , they loooooose interest and ended up abandoned in the corner. I don't wanna end up like this, but what the hell !
To answer you question , yes, I am a courser! I have been all my life one and till my last breath I'll stay as such. The moment I find out there is nothing I can learn from this life is the moment I am done! I feel flattered been called courser cos I am not mr perfect and always admit when I can't do it, but at the same time I ask my self what will it take to learn it? Staying openminded is the key, not to paint everyone and everything with the same brush! You are missing the essence of life!
Man , I give it to you , you are persistent ! I guess you are like all the kids- they want some toy very badly and once they got it , they loooooose interest and ended up abandoned in the corner. I don't wanna end up like this, but what the hell !
To answer you question , yes, I am a courser! I have been all my life one and till my last breath I'll stay as such. The moment I find out there is nothing I can learn from this life is the moment I am done! I feel flattered been called courser cos I am not mr perfect and always admit when I can't do it, but at the same time I ask my self what will it take to learn it? Staying openminded is the key, not to paint everyone and everything with the same brush! You are missing the essence of life!
Thanks....enough said I'm not wasting my breath on you mucker..have fun not getting more bites out of me courser..and ur metaphors are proper s**t btw
Thanks....enough said I'm not wasting my breath on you mucker..have fun not getting more bites out of me courser..and ur metaphors are proper s**t btw

No worries ! It was pain for me too to come down to your level, but you won't understand more sophisticated ones for grown ups .
Neither nor - maybe hire a spread ? If you can't plumb your boards ? & unsure of this ? If it's your own home you need it looking right
Neither nor - maybe hire a spread ? If you can't plumb your boards ? & unsure of this ? If it's your own home you need it looking right

It will look right to me. I can skim, its just I'm not use to putting boards up. Im on a low budget fixing my house up so have to do most work myself.
It will look right to me. I can skim, its just I'm not use to putting boards up. Im on a low budget fixing my house up so have to do most work myself.
Well if you ever sell ur house spunkface expect a few £1000s knocked off..can u put some pics up?
Tbh I dnt think its diy I think he's a chancer as he's put other stuff on b4 mite b wrong like but my opinion
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