basecoat - sbr

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Going onto old brickwork after a removal we normally base with parmurex with lankolatex in the base mixing water. it provides a great backround but I aint sure if I can get the parmurex in time.

has anyone used sbr in with other pre blended basecoats? such as lankolatex or sbr in ocr or uf base.
lankolatex and parmurex is a sure parex spec but I aint sure about mixing the sbr with other gear because of th chemicals in them. Krend only spec HP for old brick also not low polymers such as uf or an ocr.

And no, using Sand and cement with sbr aint on the cards.
not sure my self but when i was workin for a rendering company we use 2do 10 2 15 domestics a week on all substrates even rotten brick work all we use 2 do was mix a few bags ov hp 12 in with krend base 2 make base coat sticker then top with what ever coatin ur puttin on never had any problems always worked :RpS_thumbup:
prob had you doing that cos the spec wouldv certainly been hp12 but mixed with uf base would make it cheaper over the job.
yeah hp12 is like that. its really good stuff actually but i like the parmurex better. just have to wait until monday now
Its just like SBR spunkster but with the secret parex technologie de exclusive. So you mix it into your mix water and then knock the bags up as per usual or if you use a machine you need a barrel with a feed tap. its a stronger product all together with lankolatex in it, plus more flexible when done so it gives a higher spec. this job is mono so I wanted a total even suction for that plus the old brickwork was a bit ropey so yes it stick better and no need for microgobetis primer wich wouldv been a bugger over these bricks geetin into all the nooks and crannies. I couldv gone with a weber spec of rendaid with mesh then mono after 3 days but i wanted to straighten the wall a touch and get some nice thickness back onto the building so its got the scratch coat job.

you can go onto concrete with this spec also or you can use microgobetis.

Does this help?
i dont know if they still do john but parex also used to spec cpi s hi bond , you could do away with the sbr its already in it !
i dont know if they still do john but parex also used to spec cpi s hi bond , you could do away with the sbr its already in it !

maybe right Ian but I dont think they spec it nowdays - someone elses gear you c. with the lankolatex in it it is more like hp12 to use more sticky and stiffens up quicker.
I would be right Ian thinkin CPI hi bond is like rend aid yeah and I prefer the parex spec to webers because rendaid is so dear and parmurex is reasonable then just add latex So - how much is CPI hi bond for a bag?
my homework for the weekend is to find out what the hell half of ya are talking about? they never taught me anything about these products and mix ya on about at college! More to this game than meets the eye!
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