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kirk johnstone

Private Member
most people work to live but i find i live to work? i just love plaster.
how about you guys, is it all about money or do you love your job?
when work is good and coming in stedily i enjoy my work (odd jobs can be a pain) but when u gota take the crap for crap prices i think is it worth the trouble !
Things seem to be pickin up around ere now tho got a month and a half work in the book (first time for a while)
Fingers crossed eh guys as we are by far the hardest workers in the building game(and most skilled)!!!
Its all in the finish baby ;D
I hate every single aspect of plastering intensely.

The job is literally staring at 4 walls all day long.
nelly said:
I hate every single aspect of plastering intensely.

The job is literally staring at 4 walls all day long.
I know you dont mean that Nelly , you said yerself yer goin through one of those "I hate this job" moments.
I love the job. Building in general.
Ive met some kn*bs but few and far between. Its not just the work its all the lads you meet that make the day go well.
Not many other workers would help you out, physically or other wise.
Banter funny as f**k.
I couldn't handle goin to the same building day after day for yrs and sittin at a desk for 8hrs.
Love every aspect. God I think I'm gonna shed a tear Wahhh wahhh! :'( :'( :'( :D :D :D
ill tell my mates all the stories about the banter and the pranks that go on and they are all jealous saying they just go to work. do their job and come home. so i love that aspect. i hate people telling me what to do (to an extent anyway) and i could never see myself doing an office job. but like the lads say. theres nothing better work wise when you finish a job that starts off as a real s**t hole and looks quality when your finished. but theres the odd job that makes you think f**k it i don't want this anymore. a couple of times i've come very close to quitting and doing something else. apart from a pro darts player theres nothing else i'd wanna do.
There's plenty of other jobs out there Steve how about this one:

Get paid for all of the following:

Cheap cider taster (all day every day)
Daytime tv research (mainly itv between 9:30 & 10:30)
Give your autograph once a fortnight
Chat with like minded people outside the post office

This sounds too good to be true?
i'll do it. although i am a white/hetrosexual/british man whos paid taxes since i started working. am i still eligible?
steve cov said:
i'll do it. although i am a white/hetrosexual/british man whos paid taxes since i started working. am i still eligible?
sorry Steve just checked & you don't qualify!
It's all relative, if you do loads of site work it's repetative stuff with the site manager kickin your arse and chasing the meters, whereas on domestic it's more about doing a job for someone who will give you praise for a job well done! Pride in a job well done! I love what Ido!
I've always had more praise and got more job satisfaction when on site work than when domestics, when someone who knows nothing about plastering (domestic client) says how happy they are with my work it means nowt but when an agent, builder or the NHBC say that my work is the best they've seen and I know that they've seen the work of probably hundreds of spreads then it makes me feel really good inside.
what kills me is the like,s of stanmore bdl employ some right s**t spreads and if you are good you get treated no better the novelty of praise wore off me years ago
grand wizard said:
what kills me is the like,s of stanmore bdl employ some right (german word) spreads and if you are good you get treated no better the novelty of praise wore off me years ago

There are so few good spreads about you'd think they would treat you with the respect you deserve Grand, I haven't worked for another plastering contractor for about twenty years and even then never one of the large ones so don't know how they treat people.
they treat you like a c**t most of the supervisors are not spreads even had a few who were sparkys and one a welder
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