am i doomed?

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hi fellas, after reading one of the other threads i noticed a few of you lads were not impressed with anyone using a 3-1 scratch coat externally in which i did so a few weeks ago for me sisters garage. it's for my spar dash so the plan was to do a 3-1 then 4-1 as i was told the weaker the top coat then the stones can fall out quite easy? also i never treated the concrete blocks,just a sup of water,will that cause probs in the long run?
Not necessarily mate ,everything may be just fine the stones will only fall off (easily over time ) if the top coat was to dry and the stones was to dry when you dashed it ???, maybe you should of started at 4-1 and top coated in 5-1 but that dont mean things will go wrong , dashing is not as fussy other render finishes , so as long as the stones have gone on the wall and bedded in OK things should be just dandy/ no problem .
cheers church. i havent done the top coat yet,do the stones have to be wet down before you apply them? there them bagged up small silver spar ones?
its best to, and it cleans them aswell. if theyve been sat in the merchants for a while then theres a chance they are dirty. dirty stones look horrible on a wall.
Best to give them a wash mate ,Depending on the amount open them up on some hessian ,net curtain or something that will drain water away , hose them off and use them , don't use them soaking wet if your top coat render is hanging around wet , dash from a builders bucket and toss the stones to keep them wet but not soaking wet ;)
Dry dashing is just that, dry.Never have i heard or seen stones being wet before application to the background.This creates a big problem,wet stones will slide in the background and the water will run your sand and cement background down the wall.
Dry dashing is just that, dry.Never have i heard or seen stones being wet before application to the background.This creates a big problem,wet stones will slide in the background and the water will run your sand and cement background down the wall.

in the uk the stones are dry and dusty so u need to wash 'em first or they'll
not stick. My ex mrs blamed me for fckin up the zanussi
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