advice (price)

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Well-Known Member
just a bit of advice needed here lads on the money front.

did a job in a nightclub last monday and tuesday. 2x fireboard and skim ceillings both 8ft x 32ft approx

and skim toilet ceilling along with a wall about 25 ft long 8ft high.

put a price in off £250 for BOTH ceillings and then just £100 for the other bits, in all total price £350.00 labour only.
the owner was suppose to have the boards there monday mornin and let us in at 9am, me an labourer arrived to find no one there, so i waited for an hour still no show, not answering his phone either.
so i went to his pub at other side of town for him greet me with "s**t, sorry i forgot" and ..... wait for it..... i have not got the boards yet can you get them.
i agreed fetched the boards in 3 trips and got started at 1.30pm boarding these ceillings finished at 5.30pm (ish).
tuesday i had keys so got in at 7am skimmed up and finished at 8pm.
now remember the origanal price was £350 i had to put it up to £450 after time loss on the morning, plus fuel cost.this resulted in me needing the labourer a second day.
put invoice in and he only pays me £300 on friday???????

any advice on what i should do would be sound and was i wrong to put the price up?
did you tell him it was going to cost extra before you did all the running about,you now what joe publics like if ya dont tell em they take it for granted that you doing it for nowt,to right charging him the extra sounds to me like you gave him a good price anyway,even if he wasnt going to pay the extra £100 hes short changed ya by £50,what did he say about that?
by the sound of things he's a selfish knob ............unless he's alan sugar with a bit on his case he should have known that he was due to meet you and get the boards
i'd be getting the lathe hammer out mate
If it were me id vist the club in the evening and smash holes in the ceilings discretly of cause
he owns the one of the roughest pubs in the city, his wife seemed straight about it anyway. gave me her number i have to ring he later today and arrange to meet her tomoz.
cant smash it up as i am a resident dj at this club thats how i got this job in the first place.
dont mix business with pleasure i guess
allways make sure you cover your arse when doing extras mate,let them know your doing them the extra and it will cost them,if you cant agree it then shake hands and walk is important to be very direct when pricing any many times have we been on jobs and heard"its just this bit too oh and a patch there,it wont take you long"!!
its not very nice when people don't give u what ur owed....... if it was me hed, pay up one way or another.

as much as it piss me off...... at least u come away from the job with some money
sounds like hes taking advantage of you cause u work for him, an old boss of mine would get me to all sort of little jobs on the side not plastering related and rip me off all. i felt i couldnt say no cause i worked for him and didnt have the balls to ask for what was fair, cause i didnt wanna bad vibe cause i could not walk away from the normal job i did for him, cause at the time i needed the experience and was learning the trade

it sucks
Lol when I was labouring for 2 spreads they used to rob me blind on jobs but I used to shut up and get on with it.... who had the last laugh??? me I think!!!

Lol when I was labouring for 2 spreads they used to rob me blind on jobs but I used to shut up and get on with it.... who had the last laugh??? me I think!!!


gotta learn the art of saying no, its not as easy as people think :'(
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