Advice please

The property belong to a builder that provides alot of my work so it a winnwin for me and theres no real pressure jus wanna get it right so im headin in right direction

Is it a win win ? Mess it up and no more work surely ?
Yes its a win all round as he has to get other lads in to do any coloured render and its small bungalow out of view from the public, hes offered me to practice on this so i can do other jobs in the future
oh come on !!see posts day in day out ,"has anyone used? " "whats the best way ?" "same day next day "? see why this forum has gone done hill tbh
He's never done mono professionally on someone's house before!! This isn't a seasoned renderer with a querie on a different product!
well thats more machine based to start with !lol ,so you learned f**k all being handballing ,dont get me wrong Paul is a good man and knows the product inside out
You're right there Keith
Another thing I finding around here is it's 50/50 if people will pay the price I quoted .. Had one just turn me down at £2100 that was looking like a goer for me but I ain't doing it cheaper just ain't worth it for me
Even tonight went to quote a builder dude .. There was around 25 m2 and all on ground floor had a look and thought about right size for me at minute.
You're right there Keith
Another thing I finding around here is it's 50/50 if people will pay the price I quoted .. Had one just turn me down at £2100 that was looking like a goer for me but I ain't doing it cheaper just ain't worth it for me
Even tonight went to quote a builder dude .. There was around 25 m2 and all on ground floor had a look and thought about right size for me at minute.
You doing that on your own or with other spread?

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You're right there Keith
Another thing I finding around here is it's 50/50 if people will pay the price I quoted .. Had one just turn me down at £2100 that was looking like a goer for me but I ain't doing it cheaper just ain't worth it for me
Even tonight went to quote a builder dude .. There was around 25 m2 and all on ground floor had a look and thought about right size for me at minute.
your not stupid ,i know that ,as you say ,do what is right for you ,knowing the customer still gets a good job .When i first done monocouche i can honestly say i lost money ,its a learning curve ,even being a plasterer for over 30 years ,new product ,just like starting again really
You doing that on your own or with other spread?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
The builder one I will cover bifolds,windows,fascia and bead on my own then do the rest with a spread , ain't no way in the world I can mix it all up ,get on and scrape and scratch on my own.