Adult apprenticeship

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New Member
Hi there looking for an adult apprenticeship. I have just finished my level 2 city and guilds plastering course which was for a year. Really want to further my skills as there is so much to know about plastering/rendering! I'm 27yrs old full driving licence an keen to learn! CV available and references also.


The problem with an adult apprenticeship is you will need to pay more than you would a school leaver so not ideal for company's.
I have been told this but on the positives I am more mature more reliable and for myself I already have the basic skills in skimming, working with different backgrounds, putting up plasterboard, cornice work and roughcasting. I have paperwork that my lecturer printed out and it basically gives the benefits of employing an adult apprenticeship.
The problem with an adult apprenticeship is you will need to pay more than you would a school leaver so not ideal for company's.
Most 16 year olds are knobs, atleast with older people you'll probably have a higher success rate of fnding someone you said though comes at more of a cost moneywise.
Most 16 year olds are knobs, atleast with older people you'll probably have a higher success rate of fnding someone you said though comes at more of a cost moneywise.
And the knowledge that as soon as they become semi competent there off
I have been told this but on the positives I am more mature more reliable and for myself I already have the basic skills in skimming, working with different backgrounds, putting up plasterboard, cornice work and roughcasting. I have paperwork that my lecturer printed out and it basically gives the benefits of employing an adult apprenticeship.
Whereabouts in Glasgow are you?
I'm actually in a situation just now that I'm not sure what to do. My dad is retiring in August so I am in two minds whether to take some one on. But all the talk recently of apprentices has put me off to be honest. I think i'm going to try and find another one man band who I can team up with on the bigger jobs I can't do alone and hopefully he would do the same with me. Just trying to find someone who you can trust and keep the same standards is the problem
I'm actually in a situation just now that I'm not sure what to do. My dad is retiring in August so I am in two minds whether to take some one on. But all the talk recently of apprentices has put me off to be honest. I think i'm going to try and find another one man band who I can team up with on the bigger jobs I can't do alone and hopefully he would do the same with me. Just trying to find someone who you can trust and keep the same standards is the problem
That's the problem, can't find anyone who I can trust or they come out plaster good for a week then leave some shocking jobs. Every year I try and at the end of the year it's always me and the lad who's been with me for 9 years.
Hi there looking for an adult apprenticeship. I have just finished my level 2 city and guilds plastering course which was for a year. Really want to further my skills as there is so much to know about plastering/rendering! I'm 27yrs old full driving licence an keen to learn! CV available and references also.



@Markmorris88 your in a similar postions to where @Tommy5 was when he first joined this forum , he's now been with me almost 2years and he's flying mate so stay involved and keep refreshing your threads im sure theres someone on here who'll give you a chance.
And for what it's worth personally I'd take someone in your position over a school kid anyday of the week, good luck(y)
That's the problem, can't find anyone who I can trust or they come out plaster good for a week then leave some shocking jobs. Every year I try and at the end of the year it's always me and the lad who's been with me for 9 years.

Pity you're a couple of hours drive away. I could have came and got a weeks work out you
Thanks guys i am looking for the knowledge and the on site experience I have nearly finished my 1 year course but 1year just isn't enough there's so much to know about it and I want to make the best of myself doing this job!
Thanks guys i am looking for the knowledge and the on site experience I have nearly finished my 1 year course but 1year just isn't enough there's so much to know about it and I want to make the best of myself doing this job!

You'll do well I'm sure mark you've a good attitude(y).
And considering English isn't your first language your very articulate.

Thanks guys i am looking for the knowledge and the on site experience I have nearly finished my 1 year course but 1year just isn't enough there's so much to know about it and I want to make the best of myself doing this job!
Good luck mate stay involved on hear and take any opportunity to work with an experienced plasterer you get you never know what it could lead to a few weekends hear and there could be the start you need.
no probs thanks again
I took @Lodan out work experience for a few weeks off here.. Got to say I was a bit unsure how it would go but now I am glad we met up..last week or so he not been with me (which between me and you) has been a bit of a relief but the weird thing is I have kind of missed him now.

Hold on
s**t ...just got a text off him " are you busy next week ?"
I took @Lodan out work experience for a few weeks off here.. Got to say I was a bit unsure how it would go but now I am glad we met up..last week or so he not been with me (which between me and you) has been a bit of a relief but the weird thing is I have kind of missed him now.

Hold on
s**t ...just got a text off him " are you busy next week ?"
Oh ffs
Does he need a hand?
Does he need a hand?
Adult apprenticeship
I took @Lodan out work experience for a few weeks off here.. Got to say I was a bit unsure how it would go but now I am glad we met up..last week or so he not been with me (which between me and you) has been a bit of a relief but the weird thing is I have kind of missed him now.

Hold on
s**t ...just got a text off him " are you busy next week ?"
:fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou: I'll be back, cant get rid of me that easy
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