A little bit of luck

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well after 3 yrs i finaly got a local job. wel 33 miles, got a phone call of plaster plus this morn want me start a job monday. I finaly get to sleep in my own bed during the week. and no digs to pay. so i most definatley wont be goin to cambridge monday mornin for £2.40m ill be in crew for £6.50 floating :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
wiganlad said:
well after 3 yrs i finaly got a local job. wel 33 miles, got a phone call of plaster plus this morn want me start a job monday. I finaly get to sleep in my own bed during the week. and no digs to pay. so i most definatley wont be goin to cambridge monday mornin for £2.40m ill be in crew for £6.50 floating :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
the job in cambridge mate u got a number if ur leaving i wuoldent mind avin a stab ive got a couple of spreads on the books that buggin me for some work i will sort u out a drink
barryed said:
Made up for you mate. ".40 is that all there paying now it used to be £4
well he told me on the phone £3 so i thought its a lil bit tight but ill do it. gets there and he gives us a price for the unit which seemed a lil bit wrong so i asked for a breakdown and he said £2.40. I told him he said it wus 3 on the fone and he gave it all that yeah but we have had to cut back (i tought wat in 3 days since we spoke kin tosser) anyways did the job whilst we were there and wus gna go bak to do the other next week, not now. I preffer to float and skim i hate skimin boards. cheers for the lead though mate it filled a gap and its a contact for another rainy day. very greatful ;)
georgemealy75 said:
wiganlad said:
well after 3 yrs i finaly got a local job. wel 33 miles, got a phone call of plaster plus this morn want me start a job monday. I finaly get to sleep in my own bed during the week. and no digs to pay. so i most definatley wont be goin to cambridge monday mornin for £2.40m ill be in crew for £6.50 floating :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
the job in cambridge mate u got a number if ur leaving i wuoldent mind avin a stab ive got a couple of spreads on the books that buggin me for some work i will sort u out a drink
pm u mate ;)
madmonk said:
ive worked for plaster plus mate hav you worked for em before

So have i the biggest tossers in manchester (cheadle) get the hell out of there now coz you wish you had of done in 2 weeks.
craigpalmer18 said:
plaster plus oh dear oh dear run as fast as your legs will carry you


And if you ever find out the rates let the rest of the lads know coz nobody seems to know hahahaha
wigan lad be careful they dont shaft you they are renowned for late wages short wages retention and losing your invoices and messing up your cis. 6.50 is good at the mo tho for float n set altough i beleive they advertise good rates to men in but by the time you get your money messed about you be more like 5.00/m retention should be called donations in that firm. but hey, give it a go see what comes of it pal
oh dear. u all got me worried now. hope idnt get mugged of. Dnt wanna have to time again cos some 1 ripped me off lol
whats this retention s**t. never had this b4. we have to wrk a week or 2 b4 we get payed. so they know if its wrong or not.
Alot of firms take between 3 and 5 percent off your money nowadays and not many of them actually give you any back
kebab king said:
Perhaps go back to your other job, better the devil you know .
maybe your right. but i told him now and he only had the 1 unit left and nothin for 2 weeks. he would have got some one by now
They take it so they dont have to employ you and its supposed to be incase they need you to go back to do any patching or for any defective work. But they would probably feed you a load of s**t and say you cant have it and they had to get someone into sort your work out. Its a way for alot of the bastards that use it to rip you off. Not all but most!
barryed said:
They take it so they dont have to employ you and its supposed to be incase they need you to go back to do any patching or for any defective work. But they would probably feed you a load of (german word) and say you cant have it and they had to get someone into sort your work out. Its a way for alot of the (french person)s that use it to rip you off. Not all but most!
wel i wil jst have to see now mate cos i aint got nothing else. and hope for the best in it
lol they take it off for holiday pay twelve and a half percent you do get it back though eventually, well i did who did you speak to at plaster plus?
ive worked for them a couple of times when i was desperate or promised stuff they are bad and they will not tell you nothing, retention,CITB and holiday money is taken also cheque you wont get paid for a month they always have work coz they take on anything. I worked for them one time and someone jacked everyday for 3 weeks then i left. Dont believe what they are offering, if you find out what a gaff is worth and the rate, i will pay you myself lol
spunky said:
sounds like a good firm..................why are they taking for holidays ???

Its a law that came in a few years ago everyone is entitled to holiday pay cards in or self employed, a lot work it into the price, say £2.50 a metre and pay you £2.20 and the 30p goes towards your holiday pay its a con coz its just as hard to get as the prices and your retention.
wiganlad dont take any sh%t mate, by the sounds of things theyve done it to a few lads and got away with it.......take it off the walls ;)
spunky said:
wiganlad dont take any sh%t mate, by the sounds of things theyve done it to a few lads and got away with it.......take it off the walls ;)
believe me mate ive took it out ov the contractors b4 now. went to 1 job we got screwd on the price. skim loads of studs. we had lump hammers to f**k the studs up if he didnt come to the bank and pay us up. he rang 2 of his mates. fckn cont. so he got it. his mates and the stud walls. was only £500 but it took the pis. he payed us the first part 2 weeks late and 2 mnth went by and the cont was sat in a house watching tele , that we still hadnt been paid for. It became clear we wrnt gettin paid so u gotta release a lil tension. But ide rather people jst pay . its easier that way
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