a few rendering questions

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Private Member
1 is it ok to use S&C that u take off with feather edge
2 do u have to use both sponge and poly float when finishing flat render
3 do you put fibers in S&C when rendering
4 whats the deal about rendering in the sun
5 when using drip beads to break up big areas, how do u know where to put them, are they fixed the same distance apart evertime for every job, or do you just fix them were it looks best?
6 how do clean out a cement mixer
7 is it best to buy or hire a cement mixer
8 how do u know, how much materials u need per m2
9 how far from the floor do u attach the bellcast
10 what consistancy do u have S&C
11 how do u know when to use sponge float and when to use poly float

cheers ;D
1. Yes
2. No but you get a better a finish and it closes the finish of the rendering.
3. No
4. Drys to quick
5. Only use them if the area is too big for you to do, otherwise look at what your doing and break up the area in to areas you can manage but will look ok when done
6. Water and brick ends or gravel, good idea to tie a plastic bag over the front to stop splashes
7. All depends on how much you do
8. Got a table somewhere, I'll post when I find it
9. Above the dpc
10. How you like it really
11. When you use the poly the s&c rubs up and doesn't move, bit of practice will help. Go over with sponge just after poly.
Estimated figures for quantities of sand and cement required for 100m2 of wall area.
No allowance has been made for wastage.
Proportion by volume
Ratio of Sand – Cement 3 sand , 1 cement 3 sand , 1 cement 4 sand , 1 cement 4sand , 1 cement
                    Cement 25kg Cubic metres of sand Cement 25kg Cubic metres of sand
Thickness of coat in mm 7 10.8 0.63            8.4   0.65
10 15.4 0.9             12   0.93

                 5 sand , 1 cement 5 sand , 1 cement 6 sand , 1 cement  6 sand , 1 cement
                   Cement 25kg Cubic metres of sand Cement 25kg Cubic metres of sand
Thickness of coat in mm 7 7.2 0.65            5.8   0.67
  10 9.6 0.94            8.2   0.95

Hope this helps
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