15mm Plasterboard

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New Member
Anybody come across 15mm board it cuts out the need for noggings apparently and its not the fireline (pink) board
builder that has done the extension told my client about the 15mm board after i got all the materials now he wants it so i have to send back the board for the second time (at a cost of £20 a go)and order from another BM but heres the best bit the joist are well off 600 centre so it needs noggings anyway?????? work that one out if you will lads!
go back and ask your client if the builders used 22mm chipboard on the 1st floor, the guys obviously been asked about noggins and passed the buck onto you using the 15mm board excuse...yeh you can get round it but the guy sounds like a dodgy builder so id drop the 22mm board on him see how he likes it...failing that ask to see a building control officer on site...just to be sure, y'know ::)
besides, run your boards at 90 to the joists, just cut back to the nearest one, say its 2450, cut back to 1800...any extra boards you need charge the customer, who should be chargin the builder, its not your job to put right dodgy building work, your a plasterer..dont stand for it mate..
just a thought, i was under the impression that 1/2 inch does you for 600, you can use 3/8 if theyre at 450..
its a single storey extension on a bungalow the builder is a friend of my client??? nice friend.
i got the client to get his dad (a joiner) to nogging out the ceiling and i ordered 12mm board which he agreed to now he's changed his mind and wants the 15mm (at my expense both time & money wise)to save his dad doing the noggings but the joists are all out anyway so one of us have got some extra work
i got the joiner to notch a piece of baton every 600mm then lining the first centre joist the next was out and the next and so on by the time we got to the 5th joist it was off by 2inch
doesnt need 15mm mate, long as theyre somewhere about 600 1/2 is the current norm.
if he wants 15mm he can pay the extra, sounds like someones talkin shite...id just reprice the job and include any time spent fannying about round these people (but obviously not mention that on the quote), dont be messed about mate...
anyway, youve obviously never felt the weight of a 15mm 8x4 sheet...your arms are gonna feel like lead..
you can get 19mm board y'know, but they only make it in 8x2 cos of the weight..
dodgy builders are ten a penny, i dont think ive come across many small builders who get their joists bang on every time, your only lookin at a bit of 4x2 nailed to the side of the main trusses/rafters yes?
like i said, run em at 90 (perpendicular if you wanna nice rounded word to chuck at em) and cut back to the nearest joist..
only time youll have to nog owt is at the edge of the room if there aint anything to catch the edge
just to clarify though..noggins are short bits of 4x2 (or similar to joist construction) that span BETWEEN two joists, mainly to stop bowing/twisting (on ceiling joists anyway)
a while back stud WALLS had noggins a metre off the deck on a 600 ctr stud, walls take impact, ceilings dont...
i reckon what your mates on about is just planting another 4x2 (or 3x2 makes no odds) ALONGSIDE the joists just to take up the gap and save you cuttin 550mm off a board, do that if need be BUT CHARGE EM FOR IT!!!! or get them to do it...noggins are not needed mate....
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