12 Months at PFT Central

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It has now been 12 months since I joined the team at PFT Central / Plasterers 1 Stop Shop, time has gone so fast it doesn't seem like a few weeks ago that I was driving down to Cheltenham to collect my van and spend time with Andrew Hill and Ryan Hill getting up to speed on the latest machines and tools available.

Working with plastering machines and tools is something that I have always enjoyed doing and as my background originally was in the plastering trade it was a logic...al progression to move in to supplying plastering machines and tools.

I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all my customers old and new for the support you have all given me over the past year and I look forward to working closely with you all in the future.

Thanks again Dave
Thanks Dan I could do a demo on the Eze 24 towards the end of next week Thursday or Friday let me know if that would work for you

Cheers Dave
Rub it in. :fuckyou: I f**k**g hate my job
