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    Dot dab

    Can you stick polystyrene back boards with dry wall adesive?
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    plastering and mobile phones

    another one bites the dust .. id love one of those shiny touch screen ones but they forever get clogged up with dust screen gets scratched tried most things with a new phone ie sock /cover cleaning but in the end the plaster takes its toll and kills it how long do yours last and any solutions as...
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    krend webber price

    any one got an idea on price to supply and labour srcatch coat and top off per meter in north west on a domestic 150 sqm
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    renderlath how mutch and were to buy

    just had a call and been asked to price a semi detatched house with render lath dont know why they want it yet but there going to clad over the original render with this i think it would be cheaper to hack off and start from scratch but hey what do i know thats why im asking you any one know a...
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    multi or bored finish

    what do u prefere i was brought up using bored finish on every back ground to be skimed and find it hard buying anything else does any one find a big difference between these two and what do you prefere.. :)
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    tyrolene in cold or wet weather

    i know it not the best time of year to do out side work but hoping to get the job done by friday if the rain holds off just scratched it all today hopfully top it off tommorow / thursday do you think it will pull in if i tyrolene it on friday and not blow . just after abit of advice as hired an...
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    alright lads

    alright just stumbled on this site been plastering about 15 years to long in liverpool .so hello