plastering and mobile phones

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another one bites the dust .. id love one of those shiny touch screen ones but they forever get clogged up with dust screen gets scratched tried most things with a new phone ie sock /cover cleaning but in the end the plaster takes its toll and kills it how long do yours last and any solutions as to keeping them in working order
r.i.p sony ericsson c902 :'(
ha i have a 20 pound nokia mate there allways gettin clogged up with dust, last about 6monts dow better than a slidding one eg my samsung d500 1 week!!!!
ye but id be to lazy swaping over every night and end up havin the crap one all the time
Roofer2plasterer said:
2 phones mate, one knackered one for business only and a decent one for friends and family .
Got an old nokia 6230i for work had it for years totally bullitt proof took my new slidey phone to work once some wet plaster dropped off the trowel when doing a ceiling dropped in my pocket and f**k*d the phone up.Wont be doing that again ::)
u can get that JCB one ment 2 kick bum'n last 6months and im on contract for 18! every time!
i got thru 3 ipod players in last 2 months.......just treated myself to a swanky one for 150 quid......hope it lasts longer than the cheap others
I still got the first Nokia rubber phone the best they ever made for work its a bit like Triggers broom on only fools and horses its had numerous cases many batterries and ime pretty sure i changed the guts once but still going strong.
i use a samsung tocco f480, its touch screen tho so granted it gets mucked up but i just wipe the screen on my to shirt and it cleans up real well, dropped it loads of times and the sides are a bit funked up but but still going strong, had it nearly a year. comes with a flappy cover thing to keep the screen protected anyway. but in all honesty i only got it cos ive got unlimited tinterweb on it and decent camera etc. if i didnt have this id be using a nokia 6310i as the battery life on them is ridiculously long and they go forever 8)
Nokia 6230, best phone for work, you can bash the dust out! Cheap and reliable! I just keep cleaning and buying new covers for it.
forgot to say my nokia i mentioned ealier is a 2310 feckin excellent little work phone no camera no fancy tones just a s**t hot loud radio that will last a full working day with the radio on constant or will last about a week with average usage between charges
how do you lads know the number of your phone?? mine just says nokia on it but it was only 20 quid an its still goin after a year so all good.. last one lasted a year and that was a cheap nokia.. one before was a top of the range all singin all dancin thing and 1) it kept dialling the internet from me pocket and i had a big row with tmobile over it and 2) it lasted 3 months..
get a phone for ringing people on and use a laptop for wanking and forums and emails
they should invent internet goggles eh?
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