I have been converted!.....I think

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I've had my super flex for a couple of weeks now and struggled to see the hype. I was getting a shitty sandy look and kept me going back to my Mt. asked @scottie5 a couple of questions and decided to follow his method. This morning I spent 10 minutes with some 600grit wet and dry making sure the edges were ok.

when I was an apprentice I was taught 2 coats straight off with no flattening. as a result I learned to put it on pretty neat. as I worked with other spreads I noticed they all flattened so started doing so and as a result I think my laying on got a bit sloppy.

today I gave it a neat first coat. washed my kit off and laid in neatly straight away. washed my kit off again and flattened everything with my mt. light pressure and shallow angle. proceeded to give it two more and a polish with the super flex. all pretty much straight after the last trowel. no more than 5 min break in between. the key really is to keep the trowel as flat as possible. I managed 3 sets in both board and overskim (paint and bare plaster) with no water what so ever. finished by 3.

going back to cove tomorrow so will inspect it again but I have finally seen these trowels do work.
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gave the edges a good sand down. didnt flatten first coat which means in turn the top coat was on quicker
theres so many ways to make these trowels work for you personally i diddnt really change much only mabey keep the blade closer i diddnt sand it down or change any timings really. you should instinctively know what to do from just looking at the skim
How i was using it today was lay on, flatten, 2nd coat, then flatten all with mt .... then i tried to use s*p*r*lex and it made everything look dead wet so, used mt carbon and things were back to normal, then tried go over with s*p*r*lex and it makes eveything look dead wet if early or drags a bit if late.
@beddy ..... any chance youd put some pics up when you get a min if uve cracked it ?? ... only asking cos after reading last week I decided to hang fire on the s/f and stick with my plazi
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will do mate. ill take some tomorrow of today's work and got a small set to do in the morning
interesting ......

What are you doing different tho man?

He has stopped being a huffy fu@ker and spitting his dummy out and stuck with it..........and stopped eating as many tattie scones between sets....................:RpS_thumbup:
no mate. to be honest I prefer doing it that way. did it for years before being influenced by other spreads
He has stopped being a huffy fu@ker and spitting his dummy out and stuck with it..........and stopped eating as many tattie scones between sets....................:RpS_thumbup:

stopped being a huffy f**k*r. yes. stopped spitting my dummy out and stuck with it. yes.

stopped eating. how fuxking dare you!
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I never started flattening between coats till i got sent a free speedy.............and used to lay in with the same gear...............bloody coursers
I'm sure on artex or bad walls id maybe give it a flatten but not unless I have to. just be neater with your scratch coat. and lay it in quicker
i've always put on neat, but i find if it pulls in a touch and then you lay in without flatten then you have your swoops from first coat showing throu second coat. weather its right or wrong it we do things we do lol ... ...
I have to flatten first ( out of habit) have to let it pull in before I second,then I flatten second, not getting 3 hits on in this weather,
i just want to be able to use the bloody trowel, i dont care about anything else, i'm going insane with it :RpS_laugh:

i'm not skimming till friday ... going be long wait, maybe were just not ment to be, but ill try friday :RpS_unsure:
I have to flatten first ( out of habit) have to let it pull in before I second,then I flatten second, not getting 3 hits on in this weather,

John you ever come across any guys who derby their first coats of skimming, and i mean derby, using a derby, nothing but a real derby? i know a couple of older plasterers who still do it to this day.
Only in the 80s on rough walls, I worked with a lad who used a warped Darby for years ..but only for floating, he turned me of them ,same principle as speedskim I suppose
Sorry guys can I just ask what the difference is between the plazzi and the s*p*r*lex. I have the plastic refina trowel which i thought was called a s*p*r*lex plazzi??
Only in the 80s on rough walls, I worked with a lad who used a warped Darby for years ..but only for floating, he turned me of them ,same principle as speedskim I suppose

The guys i know are in their 50s ... A speedskim aint no derby.... Its not something i do, i thought it was a old man thing lol
Same as john I always flatten first coat and second goes onto a flat ceiling or walls with no lines left from first coat. Some will let the plaster glide over the first coat while others will keep it firm and tight.
John you ever come across any guys who derby their first coats of skimming, and i mean derby, using a derby, nothing but a real derby? i know a couple of older plasterers who still do it to this day.

I've used the derby, to close in the cure on ceilings in attics, :RpS_thumbup:
Same as john I always flatten first coat and second goes onto a flat ceiling or walls with no lines left from first coat. Some will let the plaster glide over the first coat while others will keep it firm and tight.

like I said ive tried a couple of things. it may have been that it needed sanding. or that I could still flatten but just get on it sooner. although if it doesn't need flattening I won't bother
haha no no the 2 guys i know who still derby their skimming are in 50s, and then john said he knew someone in the 80s, which says its a old man thing lol

as long as the end product is perfect, and we get paid does it matter what tool we use - after all plastering is a matter of opinion and preference
:RpS_laugh: :RpS_thumbup:
I have been converted!.....I think
Ave ordered mine today cant resist it any longer , i pritty much do it the same way as beddy so hopefully it should help me
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