Hi iam a self employed plaster renderer and just need advice on certain things

I need advice on putting Weber pral m on to external thermolite blocks iam thinking sneak slurry, then rend aid with mesh then Weber pral m 2 coats mesh in first coat will that be ok?would really appreciate any advice thanks
If you rendaid just do the stress points it equals all the suction out but you could mesh the lot for peace of mind very dear rendaid so make sure your costing right we normally hp12 it any base clat would do really
Guna be a hell of alot of this now theres no multi!!!
Everyone hates multi but its sold out faster then board. Builder phoned me for a 4 bed re skim . Said he can get tons of board finish but no multi is it ok to use
If you rendaid just do the stress points it equals all the suction out but you could mesh the lot for peace of mind very dear rendaid so make sure your costing right we normally hp12 it any base clat would do really
Not seen you round these ‘ere parts in a while! Hope you’re keeping well
Cheers buddy
Iam just unsure the substrate is thermolites and they are cracked all over I was going to use rend aid all over with mesh then 10 mm of Weber pral m mesh in first coat it’s sheltered just don’t want cracks to bite us on the arse
What s up with you Tom I just want advise I can plaster and render what s the problem mate
We are confident in doing the job just advise how to prep thermolite not asking you to teach me the trade
How's a experienced renderer never rendered over thermalite blocks,
Should you be doing the job today when you don't know the spec
Where's the problem just asking a question
We always rendered over solid concrete or bricks these houses are 2 show homes done 25 years ago so the thermolite on the outside is very poor cracked all over. Just advise off the people that render them every day
Hand applied only the front 9m2 on each house not the full house the substrate is thermolite and they are cracked all overdo far I’ve bein told rendaid with mesh then 10 mm Weber
He's a plasterer, just because he does not no the mothod does not mean he does not have the skill to do it......
I know nuthin about the new renders but..sounds dodgy, why are the blocks all cracked, settlement? If it's moving then you might be getting call backs or a claim. Mesh etc can only cover so much.
If you are still going to do the job I would first apply a thick coat of Contract Cover-Your-Arse.
Personally I think that they have bein laid with too strong mortar they have cracked all over and a lot of movement in them the customer wants Weber finish so iam asking the guys on here what’s the best practice prep for these blocks thanks buddy
So an open question from me to T'others - can you mesh render over a wall with live cracks, to hide them and get away with it?
Afterall, it does not mean the wall or building is necessarily unsafe - my home moves seasonally and has done for near on a hundred years. My previous old 1960's house had thermalite blockwork cracks and is still good.
We did a job on a building that had cracks throughout the bricks we were told to use rendaid and mesh then mesh in first coat of Weber still the same as when we done it no cracks that was double mesh all over
we did the top half and it’s never cracked some other lads did the bottom and didn’t use mesh at all there is a number of cracks on the bottom so I will stand by double mesh on building with movement